Resuscitating the Quick Launch Toolbar in Windows 7

Last week I wrote about two Menu Applications for Windows operating systems.  I specifically mentioned Windows Vista and 7 but those two apps will work on most any of them.  They were “Desktop Sidebar” and “RocketDock“.  Check last week’s Double Click for more details. I also mentioned bringing the Windows’ “Quick Launch Toolbar” that many…

God Mode

The column that was censored. If you are one of my regular readers you realize that this column was not in the DNR today.  They contacted me before press time and said that they thought it was too advanced and could cause people to mess up their computers.  All of these commands are available in…

E-books vs. P-books

(   or Electronic books vs.           Paper/Printed books) Several weeks ago I wrote about my wife’s e-ink Nook from Barnes and Noble.  I was surprised by the number of responses.  I had a small number asking why I did not write about the Amazon Kindle or some of the other e-readers.  The reason is that…

CCleaner & InPrivate Browsing

Donna S. from Shenandoah wrote and asked a couple of good questions.  They first thing she wanted to know was which files she should delete when working in her browser under Options. In your browser’s Options when deleting temporary/old files (settings vary per browser), there is one that I don’t delete.  That is the one…


OK, although I never thought I, or my wife would participate in the latest technological “fad,” we have.   It’s confession time here.  I bought one; but it is mainly for my wife’s use.  The culprit is an eBook Reader.  Yes, a month or two ago I bought a Nook which is sold by Barnes…

Open to the World, Part 2

Last week we started looking at securing your home network.  Today we will finish our walk-through.  There are other settings for your router I have not mentioned but with instructions in hand you can experiment.  Just be very careful and (maybe) check with a geek friend first. In review: Open your browser and go to…

P@55w0rd Keepers

I wrote a column last year about passwords.  Gee, don’t our digital worlds revolve around them?  If you work with computers on a regular basis you may have a million of them.  You may have them for logging onto your computer, websites, email, bank accounts, online stores, etc.  As I stated last year, “I do…