2011 Sites in Review, Part 2

As I stated last week, I annually provide links to all of the sites we have visited throughout the previous year at DoubleClicks.info. Remember, if the site addresses are too long to type I have shortened them with bit.ly.  Here they are in their order of appearance with short descriptions of each. Ccleaner use this…

Christmas Geek Tips

This will be the last you hear from me in the DNR until 2012 so I thought I would give you some Christmas geek tips and sites to tide you over through the holidays. First, I figure a few of my readers are getting new computers for Christmas.  Yes, from your emails I realize some…

What about SSD vs. HDD?

I recently received an email from a reader asking about SSD compared to HDD.  What the heck are those initials…new government agencies?  Not quite.   They stand for "Solid State Disk" (or Solid State Drive or Solid State Disk drive) and "Hard Disc Drive" respectively. The HDD is the hard drive you are most likely using…

Swyping and Talking

Today will be the first time I have used my Toshiba Thrive along with the Swype keyboard and the dictation apps to write the entire " Double Click" column.  From the beginning of this article on, except where I use the voice dictation app this is all written with Swype.  I am very sure it…

Get Connected

OK, the holidays have started and you may be traveling to visit the relatives in a faraway or unfamiliar location. You take your computer so that you can keep up with email, Facebook, your Tweets and your news and sports information.  Gee, first of all what happened to the "good ole days" when you visited…

Thrive, Even in the Cold

This should be the final time I write about my Toshiba Thrive.  Here are the 1st and 2nd articles.  (Well, OK most likely the last one.) But two more questions about it need to be answered. These were the most common questions I received about it from my readers. First, it has Android Honeycomb as…

More to Thrive On

The column about my Toshiba Thrive from last week generated several intriguing emails.  First, "I am looking for a Tablet PC and want to know if you can tell me more about yours?"  Well, I can but I only have so much space in the columns.  You can really find all you need online starting…

Take a Tablet

During the summer months I wrote several articles regarding e-book readers in general and more specifically Barnes and Noble’s Nooks (www.bn.com).  They are both great to have if you are a reader; however, something different has come to my attention. I was very happy to receive a gift of a tablet PC and I have…

Jump Lists

Last week we were looking at some tricks you can do with your Windows 7 taskbar.  Today let’s see how to actually add a task to the taskbar. To add any program which is installed on your computer to the taskbar, first find the program you want to add.  Do this by clicking the Start…