Useful Android Apps, Part 4

Last week we looked at Android apps (most also available for iPhones) that help you with research, collecting information, podcasts, players and audiobook readers. Today a few more very useful apps but first a reference back to last week. I used the term “newb” (spelled N  E  W  B) last week and several people emailed…

Useful Android Apps, Part 3

Welcome back to my next in the series regarding Android Apps that I find useful. Thanks for the emails I have received letting me know you appreciate the series.  Also, you sent in some great questions…keep ’em coming! Last week we looked at saving money with the GasBuddy app and getting organized and making notes…

Dongle Troubles?

Well you know the internet…everything you read is true. Okay, you know me, I doubt many things I read on the internet. In 2016, security people found another security hole.  Can you believe that? It seems like this type of thing pops up on a pretty regular basis. And usually they are the mountain-out-of-a-molehill variety….

Setup a Gmail Account

OK, I have been reprimanded by Samantha, one of my enthusiastic readers.  She says that I have written about Gmail many times. This includes last week as well as over the years. She is correct. But she went on to explain I have never written about how a person goes about setting up a new…