Logitech Dongle

Unification of Sites, Mice, Keyboards and More

During this time of world unrest and other difficulties which are affecting our county at this time I thought I would write something that would be unifying! Do not get overly sensitive as this is not about political unrest, riots, or face masks. I write about technology and I have two unifying concepts in tech…

Your Phone from on the MS Windows Store

Your Phone App

Your Android Phone and What “Your Phone” Can Do for You! A little over two years ago I wrote about an app that allowed you to text from your PC, through your Android phone. It had a few other neat features and a couple of limitations. It was named MightyText.com. Visit this link if you…

How to get to Gmail Settings

Software Combo, Google Gmail & Outlook

Due to the free Google courses …I am offering on YouTube I get some neat questions. By-the-way, 28 so far with only two more left in the series. The 29th will offer more details regarding this article, so register at GrayHaired.Tech to get an email when it comes out – hopefully, tomorrow (ghtech.site/reg). So, the…

10 Most Popular Search Sites

Search Comparisons

This Monday morning Jim Britt and I on our WSVA Podcast (ghtech.site/wsva_pods) discussed Search Engines, how to use them, and some of the differences. First, go to reliablesoft.net. (Use this link ‘ghtech.site/se_useage’ to see the details – beware another page will pop up right away. Click in the white space to shut it down). They…

Google for Phone Calls

OK, I know you may get tired of hearing about Google. The company and its products are mentioned in the news, advertisements, people talk about it and I write about it often. But hey, they have a lot of beneficial items. Since I have been having online YouTube almost every week, I found out how…

Gray Haired Tech logo


For, the past 18 years plus I have been Double Click here at the Daily News-Record and many other places online. I have recently decided to create a change, the reason for the David Bowie quote from 1971, “Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes.” At this point I will still be known as Ron Doyle, Double Click at the DNR;…

Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

Family Time

My wife and I get together with my in-laws, Robin’s sister, and her husband about once a month or so. During this virus time, we have not been able to do so. You see they live in Chesapeake, VA and we are in Harrisonburg, VA. It is about a four-hour trip. But travel is not…

Wrong way to clean smartphone

Spring Cleaning for your notebook, phone, etc…

Last week we took a look at doing some spring cleaning on your desktop computer. This week: other devices. DO NOT take your notebook apart unless you know what you are doing. Notebooks can benefit from opening them up and blowing air in them to clear the dust, dirt, and other stuff out. I have,…

Provided by Zoom.us


Several weeks ago, due to the time we now live in, I wrote about online meetings. I even mentioned how many businesses, including medical, are starting virtual meetings. This week we had a chance to test that out. My wife had a doctor’s appointment and due to the current state of the world, she was…