For the last many years, we have had service for cable and internet with one LARGE service provider in the area. As a matter of fact, there were no competitors for them (for what we wanted) where we live. Our service was pretty good over the years, unlike some of the stories I have heard. However, strangely enough, the prices kept creeping up.

I played the game like all of you. I called every year or so and threatened to quit. They would offer me a “deal” which sometimes involved me paying an extra couple of bucks for more channels. Maybe a new channel that I really did not need. Sometimes I actually did get a small deal.

When I asked them to cut off my cable and give me internet access only, they were good with that. However, my price would go up higher…since I would not be bundled any longer.

This past month our lives have changed. Competition came to town! They have come to Harrisonburg, Staunton, Front Royal and Winchester. From what I have heard many people have switched to this new company. At least, a new company from an old company in the area. Shentel (the parent company founded in 1902) has come out with GloFiber (  They as of now have the internet and phone access available.

General Information about GloFiber

Carlos, our sales executive whom many of you may have already met is a busy guy from GloFiber, and came by the house one day.  He told us all the great things I could get with them. First, three things, I am a geek, a cynic, and do not like to spend money, so I was in doubt. After what to him I am sure, seemed like hours of interrogation, we bought it.

Here is what we get with GloFiber. The internet, packages ranging from 300Mbs to 2Gbs speeds (I chose 300 which is all I need) and a neatly done trench for the wire to the house. With the old service, I lost 50Mbs and the DVR which I knew I would really miss, but more on that later. The price was almost exactly 50% less than what I was paying previously.

Now, back to the cynic. I kept the old company and the new one for about two or three weeks running simultaneously.  I wanted to make sure I got at least half of what I was promised by Carlos.

Carlos is my hero, as a veteran and an honest sales guy – everything he told me was spot on. The speed, the uninterrupted service and even one very good support call (which was due to my ignorance but they were kind none-the-less). Did I mention for that support call I was on hold about a second?

I now get faster speeds in my backyard that I ever got when sitting directly next to my wireless router in the house. Fantastic service that has not failed once.

Now, back to my expected disappointment sans DVR. Not much as we already have Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime. Everything we used to record we can now watch a day later. And I also discovered that with Amazon Prime I get CBS Prime included. So, I now get more than I did before.  We really don’t even need all of that but it is nice to have.

I highly recommend you take a look at GloFiber and Carlos if they are available in your area! This is not a paid or sponsored article and this is all our own opinion.

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