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For, the past 18 years plus I have been Double Click here at the Daily News-Record and many other places online. I have recently decided to create a change, the reason for the David Bowie quote from 1971, “Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes.” At this point I will still be known as Ron Doyle, Double Click at the DNR; however, I will be changing in other areas to: Ron Doyle, Gray Haired Tech.

You may ask, why? Well, over the years I have learned that most of the people who contact and interact with me from the articles are like me, seniors, older, born well into the last century, old fogies or gray-haired. Do not get upset by the following term but we are now…elderly. I prefer to be called Chronologically Experienced! My wife came to a stunning realization a couple of weeks ago. Elderly is defined as age 65 and up. So, she and I are both elderly and possibly you are as well.

Listen to this! In 1987 (why that year? I have no idea but that was what I could find after a little research) 11% of the population of the US was elderly. According to some of the latest data from the US Census Bureau, (2019) I found out other interesting numbers ( For 2019, the elderly population is about 52,787 people or roughly 16.25% of the entire US count. Also, it is predicted that in 2030 we will be close to 21% of all in the US.

Gray Haired Tech logoSo, back to my story. As of a few days ago, when you go to either of the old sites ( or you will automatically be forwarded here, to GrayHaired.Tech, the new site. If you were a member of Double Clicks Live to get training and help do not worry. I have transferred all of your accounts to GrayHaired.Tech along with your passwords so there should be no problems accessing everything you could before as a member. If you were formerly reading my articles on they are still at, free just as they were before.

Since I started the Google Podcast in October 2019 which will have 30 sessions in the series, now with three more to come before it ends, I found other needs. One is an easy place to discuss, share, and help each other. I showed my viewers which now run about 100 how to create a Google Group for communities. My thought was I should create one for we Gray Hairs so now if you visit and search for Gray Haired Tech you can find us there. Here is a shortened link for your direct access, (you can click that link here but if typed, capitalization, as shown, is required). Ask questions and join in the conversation and banter, do not be afraid. All you have to do is log in with your Google account or create one! I and others want to hear from you.

Now as I approach possible retirement age (although, I never want to fully retire), I thought that I would like to make some income from my work. DO NOT PANIC! No, I am not charging you for the site. However, I can make money from clicks on my videos on YouTube so they will be going public for everyone, even though the first 100 already have them…or will. Now keep in mind, when you watch any YouTube video the creator can make money off of views and clicks. Here is the sick news, to make my first penny in 12 months I will need 4,000 hours of watched videos and 1,000 subscribers. Now you know why I and all other YouTubers ask you to subscribe to their videos.

By-the-way, right now I have about 60 hours of watched videos. A “watched video” is only counted if the entire video is viewed in total, not just 25 out of 27 minutes along with four or five subscribers. There you go! Honesty and begging for clicks all in one column.

Have a fantastic week, learn, enjoy life, and be blessed! Whether you watch GrayHaired.Tech videos or not. COVID restrictions may be lightening up!

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