Donna S. from Shenandoah wrote and asked a couple of good questions.  They first thing she wanted to know was which files she should delete when working in her browser under Options.

In your browser’s Options when deleting temporary/old files (settings vary per browser), there is one that I don’t delete.  That is the one that has to do with deleting saved passwords.  Note that it is labeled slightly different in the various browsers but you will be able to figure it out from the title.  For more experienced users you may choose differently, but that is OK, to each their own.  I like to keep the “recorded” passwords in particular so that the individual sites will not need me to remember the passwords and retype them the next time I visit a site.  This is only true if you allow your browser to remember your sites’ passwords.

After saying all of that I have a better recommendation.  I am surprised, but it appears as though I have never mentioned this application before and I have been using it for many imageyears.  The app is called “Ccleaner” ( and according to the site, “Historically the software was originally called “Crap Cleaner”, but this was shortened to CCleaner to prevent any offense and to allow corporations to use it.”  So there you go for your “inside info”.

CCleaner will run through your programs and delete all of the unneeded files.  Now be warned that it is removing files from your computer which could cause problems; however, after using it for years, I have never, ever had any issues caused by CCleaner.

Once, you install it, run the CLEANER at the top, left side and after it completes run REGISTRY.  I always use the default settings and delete all of the suggested things that will come up in the list.  It will clean your browser (which must be closed for CCleaner to run) and your computers “junk” files too.  They ask for $24.95 for priority support, but as of now I have never had a reason to get support, so I suggest the freebie.

imageDonna also asked about what “InPrivate Browsing” which she saw while looking around her browser.  It is also labeled as, “Private Browsing” in FireFox and “Incognito Windows” in Google Chrome; however, it is the same thing.

The InPrivate browser settings are jokingly called by many geeks the “Porn Browser Mode”.  Basically, InPrivate and its other nomenclatures, will not leave a trace of where a person has gone on the internet.  Then if someone else checks their computer they can’t see what sites they have visited in the past.  Although you should be aware that your internet service provider can provide that information if needed,  InPrivate only keeps your history off of your local computer.

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