Six most used browsers

There are many questions I get repeatedly asking about several principal things. For the next couple of weeks, I am going to talk to you about them. Since I get those questions, I figure there are other people out there who are interested even though they may not have asked.

Today, let’s discuss browsers and bookmarks.

Six most used browsers
Six most used browsers

Browser Popularity:, at the time I wrote this, says the most popular browsers as of February 2021 are Google Chrome (63.59% market share), Apple Safari (19.14%), Mozilla Firefox (3.76%), Microsoft Edge (3.41%), Samsung Internet (3.31%), and Opera (2.19%). It is interesting that the first one and the last one listed are the ones I use most. I use Chrome as my everyday browser; but I like Opera as it is very similar to Chrome with a few extras. By-the-way, Safari and Samsung Internet are popular since they are used on iPhones (and Macs) and Samsung Phones, respectively. Get more statistics at GrayHaired.Tech.

Bookmark bars and how to add them:
A bookmark is a place to store a site you visit often; you know: Facebook, Gray Haired Tech, DNR Online, etc. So just as in books of old, you can add a bookmark for that site. This allows you to get back to it easily. You can add them to the top browsers in the same way; although the names of where I recommend vary slightly.

I suggest putting them in the most easily accessible place for all browsers- the bars. No, not where you drink, but where you think. Each browser calls their bar something slightly different, so let’s look at the top three windows browsers. You may install Safari a PC; however, it is no longer supported by Apple to use on PCs, so I would advise against it.

Here is how you set it up in each of these browsers (see graphics on GrayHaired.Tech.)
Chrome: click the menu button, (three bars in the upper right corner) then “Bookmarks,” “Show bookmarks bar” (or CTRL + Shift + B).


Firefox: right click on an empty spot on the menu bar, then click on “Bookmarks Toolbar,” and finally, “Always Show.”


Edge: click the “Favorites” star in the upper right portion of the browser, then click the three dots that appear in the new box, and finally, “Show Favorites bar.”


Bookmark bars and how to use them:
Once displayed at the top of the browser, you can add a site to the bar by clicking on the URL’s icon, which is located to the left of the site address. Now simply drag it to the bar in the location between other links as you like. You may also click on the Star on the right edge of the address bar and choose where to add it in the pop-up menu.

You may click and drag them around to different locations on the bar. Right-click on them and create folders to store related sites in. Try them out. I am sure you will like the Bookmark bars in your favorite browser. Remember one very important word of advice. Make sure you add GrayHaired.Tech in the most prominent location.

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