Bookmarks are a great way to keep track of sites you wish to go back to on occasion while online.  If you have not ever used them you should.  Bookmarks have been around since the Mosaic browser started them in 1993.  Do not worry if you have not heard of Mosaic.   It has been gone since it officially stopped production in January, 1997.

The three most popular browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE), Google Chrome and Firefox.  There are other modern browsers which also have bookmarks.  Sometimes they are known by a different name like MSIE calls them "Favorites."


My preference is Chrome.  That is just my opinion since they are all good and all sometimes have issues.  There is no scientific opinion here, just my fondness of Chrome.  You can try them all for a month or so, then use the one you like best or alternate between them.  The choice is yours.

I have a suggestion for you if you depend on your bookmarks as I do.  Instead of saving them in a slightly obscure place, put them in your "Bookmarks Toolbar" and "Favorites Bar" in MSIE.

Once it is in your browser the toolbar is very easy to use.  You can add links, (bookmarks) remove, edit or rearrange their position on the bar.

Here is how you set it up in each of these browsers.

  • Chrome – click the menu button, (three bars in the upper right corner) Bookmarks, Show bookmarks bar.
  • Firefox – click the similar menu button as Chrome, look at the bottom, click "Show/Hide Toolbars" then click "Bookmarks toolbar."
  • MSIE – easier to set up that others; just right click on the title bar (the area above the menus that is mostly blank, some call it the top border) and click on "Favorites bar."  If it has a check mark, as the other browsers, it is already on.    

Once displayed at the top of the browser you can add a site to the bar by clicking on the URL’s icon, which is located to the left of the site address.  Now simply drag it to the bar in the location between other links as you like. 

Once you have multiple links in the bar you may want to rearrange them.  Click and drag it to its new location.  To delete one, right click it and choose, "Delete."

I like to put my bookmarks in related folders within the bar.  For instance I have a folder with Android related links and one for Research to name a couple.  To add a folder right click on any of your bookmarks and choose, "New folder."  Next, you can drag links into the folder and finally drag the folder to a new location if you wish.

Part of Ron's Bookmarks Toolbar

Lastly, you can change the link name since sometimes they are quite long and take up a lot of space.  Right click on the link you want to change and choose either "Edit" or "Properties" depending on which browser you use.  Then where the name is shown just change it, click ok and you are done.  

Enjoy your bookmarks and make sure you put as your first link!

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