Be Social

Be SocialSocial Media is here to stay, but people feel differently about it. Basically, Social Media is a form of electronic communication. Usually found as websites or phone apps. They are for social gathering where users create online communities to share their thoughts, personal messages, discussion, and, sometimes, disagreements. They can use text, pictures, symbols, and/or videos, to express themselves.

Currently, the top five social media areas are; (2.8 billion Monthly Active Users), (2.3 billion MAU), (2 billion MAU), Facebook (1.3 billion MAU), and (1 billion MAU). Notice two of them are operated by the same company. Not that I am any example, but I only use YouTube, Messenger, and Facebook, in that order.

How do you feel about social media? You may either love it, hate it, ignore it, or, in the worst case…you are addicted.

How was your day?Addiction to social media is very real and becoming more common today. I have met a few people that have a real problem with it. You see them at stop lights and maybe even riding down the interstate. Yes, we know that last one is illegal in 49 states (Missouri seems to be the exception per, but people are people. Check here regarding Missouri, But some folks cannot seem to stay off of their social media accounts even while eating, talking to others in person, watching TV, going to the bathroom, and on-and-on.

Why are some people seemingly addicted? If you care to find out more about it, search online for “emotional cycle of social media.” You may be amazed at all the information and theories available. Some of it is a little frightening. However, it seems the basic is people start out excited and happy finding old friends and their pictures. Meeting their old high school, college, military buddies and/or any past friends online. According to what I have read, some people have less depression using Facebook. But then others are more depressed using any social media. There seems to be that there can be many “thought” problems with social media. Bullying, misunderstandings, saying things you would not say in face-to-face conversations, lying, etc.

People have stated online that they experience anxiety, stress, forgetting to be at “real” meetings and appointments. It does not sound too great to me. And then there is one main trick to keep you looking and reading longer…infinity scrolling or endless scrolling.

Yes, “Endless Scrolling” is a real thing. The creator of this feature is Aza Raskin in 2006. Since that time, you have experienced it and may not have even realized it. Facebook was the first time I noticed it. When you get to the bottom of the page…well, OK, you cannot get to the bottom. There is no end of the page. You will keep scrolling forever. Before this sneaky scrolling trick, you had to click something like, Continue, Refresh, or Next. During the partial second of clicking to continue down the screen, people figured they were bored and quit. With this continuous scrolling, you do not realize you are still on the page for a longer time. Sometimes much longer.

Lincoln quoteHow often are people using social media per day? Comparitech’s research shows, “Worldwide, the average person spends two hours 27 minutes on social media each day. Americans consume less than this, averaging two hours 14 minutes per day.” People in the Philippines have the highest average at four hours and six minutes daily. You can see more detailed information online at

Do not become addicted to the “stuff” you read and watch. Remember to that it could be fake news, slanted opinions, fake videos, idle gossip and other worthless things to get your attention.

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Bat Child Escapes


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