Time Check, Part 2

Last week my article about changing your computer’s battery generated some emails that surprised me.  It was not about replacing batteries but it was about the time on people’s computers. They were asking how to set the time for their computers.  You know, the time in the lower right corner of your taskbar. First, I…

Time Check

Your computer is working great, but the little clock in the right side of my taskbar gains and looses time every time I start my computer.  What is going on? Most likely your battery is going dead.  Yes, your super-duper electronic marvel has a battery in it.  How do you think it keeps/kept accurate time…

2010-05-17 WSVA Show Notes

Mentioned on the show this morning: Great local training Massanutten Technical Center  BRCC Workforce Services & Continuing Education Abandoning Cable for Internet TechCrunch Movie Ratings for Kids Lock down you home OpenDNS,com Library of Congress Facebook Security Lockdown (or the next in the list) Job Sites Monster.com Career Builders The Ladders (for you really valuable…

Icon Do It!

Before I get into today’s discussion I wanted to mention the Bit.ly column from last week.  If you missed last week’s column you will have to buy last week’s paper or go to DoubleClicks.info to check it out.  The link that I mentioned about County Codes, bit.ly/a7Vmpo, was visited by 41 readers.  Thanks for looking!…

Just a Little Bit

Thanks for the many questions this week that all dealt with the same thing.  Many readers wanted to know about all the references I have given out over the past several weeks.  Most everyone wanted to know what the ‘bit.ly’ links were since they accessed different sites. First, allow me to give a short explanation…

Have Some Fun

First today I would like to thank all of you who read and applied what you learned from last week’s column.  It was regarding the cloud storage platform Dropbox.com.  Because some of you used the link I mentioned, I gained an additional 2 GB of storage.  They have a maximum of 8 GB allowed free…

File Storage in the Clouds

I often receive questions about where you can save your documents in the cloud (online).  In the past I have written about Mesh.com and Google Docs.  However, I have found another one which, I believe is even better.  Over the past several months I have started to depend on Dropbox.com. With Dropbox you get 2GB…

2010-04-19, WSVA Show Notes

Two free Microsoft Office Suite-like applications: Open Office http://www.openoffice.org/ Lotus Symphony http://symphony.lotus.com When to all of the people on Twitter.com sleep? When do they sleep? http://www.sleepingtime.org Try mine out if you don’t know anyone else who uses Twitter, search ‘RonDoyle’.  In reality it is off about an hour for me.

Advanced Screenshots

I had quite a few emails after the screenshot column last week about the print screen key.  Thanks for emailing me and please keep them coming!  A couple of them inspired this column.  Send them to me any time… they often make great columns. You will not usually see extremely specific questions answered here since…