2011-03-21 Show Notes

Here are the links from today’s show.  Take time, sit back and enjoy reading here or listening to the podcast here. Ron Tech News Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 http://www.beautyoftheweb.com Born Monday, 3/14 Mozilla Firefox 4 http://firefox.com Supposedly March 22…tomorrow. Then going to continual updates as Google Chrome has been doing. Google Chrome http://google.com/chrome Constantly updating…

Virtual Box

Several weeks ago I mentioned a application when talking about Ubuntu called, VirtualBox.  I had a couple of people writing asking if there was a program like VirtualBox they could use to run Ubuntu, Windows XP or another operating system on their Windows 7 computer. Guess what?  There is and it is called, "VirtualBox", (virtualbox.org)…

Get Windows Explorer to display Drive Letters First

This is something that bothered me, ever so slightly for a while, but still I wanted to find a “fix” to, so today here it is.  I have successfully tested this with Windows Vista and 7. Here is what your explorer view looks like with the default settings. To display drive-letters first, followed by the…

Power of the Broom, Part 3

In review, Ubuntu is a free Linux based operating system that you could use to replace Windows on your computer.  I will hit a few more Ubuntu specialties today and move on next week. Since Ubuntu is free you would think that getting help about how to use things would be impossible.  However, since there…

Power of the Broom, Part 2

Last week I introduced you to Ubuntu which is a free operating system, but I asked you to wait until today before installing and running it on your computer. Ubuntu is licensed as Open Source software, which means that it can be used, distributed, shared and edited by anyone, at no cost. Here are some…