Chrome Extensions, Part 2

Last week I started a look at some of my favorite Chrome browser extensions.  We started with “Behind the Overlay.”  To learn how to install them check out last week’s column. Today we will start with one for your security.  We all keep reading about protecting your privacy while online and I agree that is…

Chrome Extensions, Part 1

Before I get started on Chrome extensions, one thing about last week’s article, titled, “Read a Book”.  I received emails from several readers regarding the article on places you can get eBooks, audiobooks, etc.  There were several others that were suggested to me.  They were all good but I just picked a few of the…

Read a Book

I wrote a year or so ago about a couple of ways to get eBooks for your reading.  Things change and move on so today I would like to talk about them again.  Today we will discuss three them I have tested. The first is a freebie with only one easy caveat, you must have…

Be Fed Your Favorites

Do you get up every morning and go to your phone or tablet to read the latest news and information?  If so, do you have those favorite one, two or 20+ sites you visit to get the latest news?  There is an easier way to do this without visiting each site individually which you should…

OneNote & Clipper

In 2014, I wrote about a newer Microsoft application called OneNote.  It was and is still an excellent free program.  Even if you do not have Office you can still get OneNote for free.  Go to to read all about it.  Also note that OneNote comes with a preinstalled version in Windows 10.  It…

Read to Me

Over several of the past weeks we have talked about talking to your devices.  Whether asking for them to give you directions, the temperature, local movies playing, the time, etc.  We also spoke about dictating to some of your devices and word processors.  For some it could, and does, make it much easier to type…

Phone Spoofing

Time for Ron to do a little whining as two things have recently popped up that bug me.  I figure they may also bother a few of you.  They are local phone number calls and Facebook tracking us.  This week Phone issues, next week Facebook. I posted to Facebook (this is not about tracking yet),…

A Flashback and the Future

Before I start on today’s column I have a little flashback to last week.  I mentioned other voice recognition apps like Office’s new last week.  I received an email from a couple of readers last week chatting about Google Docs.  Yes, Google Docs has speech-to-text capabilities also.   However, I have never tested it.  I…