Google Photos, Part 2

As a follow-up to the last time when we looked at Google Photos due to the number of emails I received, we will continue this week. We will look at a few more of them that may surprise you. First, how about grouping all of your friends and family by face. So if you need…

Google Photos, Part 1

OK, before some of you write me this week asking why I am pushing a Google product again let me head off your questions.  No, I do not own Google stock, I am not paid by them, I do not have any ties to the tech-giant, I have never received a kickback or even a…

Games That Ron Plays

You know over the years I have been asked why I do not write about games that I like to play. There are a couple of reasons. One is that I do not have a lot of time to play games often and when I do I stick to my two or three favorites. Another reason is that my favorite games are most likely boring to people; however, today I will come out of my shell.

My favorite game is…

Network Speed

This column bothers me. Basically, because it did not even come close to turning out the way I thought it would. I wrote about network speeds the first of this year as I get questions regarding the topic often. However, a question to me from Jessica recently got me to test something I had not…

The Most Popular Browser

About five years ago I wrote an article similar to this one but over time things change. More importantly than the changes is that you all write to me. I am often asked something similar to, “What is your favorite browser?” or “What is the most popular browser today?” So today I thought we would…

Backup and Keep Your Files Safe

I have people often write to ask, “How can I keep my files safe from _________?” You can fill in the blank with one or more words. For instance, “total hard drive failure,” “accidental deletion,” “theft of my computer,” or one of the worst, “ransomware.” The word for today to combat those adversaries is, “Backup.”…

Android & Google Enter Texting

Since 2014 I have written about and several times mentioned a browser add-on called Mighty Text ( Then just this last March, I wrote about another one called TextTo ( which is now known as Send Leap ( They both continue to function well; however, there is another and possibly better kid on the block….