Weather I’m Right or Weather I’m Wrong

Do you check the weather online? How about on your phone app? Possibly your smart speaker, i.e. Google Home Mini, Amazon Echo Dot, or others that do not have quite the followers? Many still remain loyal to TV, radio and/or newspapers.   Weather is one of the top ten most searched items according to Google’s 2018…

Easy, Hard Passwords

About two years ago I wrote about the updated rules of password creation but I still receive questions about creating passwords all the time. Most recently from Jim. “I would like to know if you have any helpful hints or info on how to make a safe password and most importantly how to remember it….

Permanently Offline

Several years ago I came up with an idea and was told by most everyone I mentioned it to that I was, well basically nuts. My idea was to set up an online system that would alert specific people if I was offline for an extended period. Say I was kidnapped by nefarious persons and…

Tech Christmas Presents

I think I started something new. From some of the emails I received after last week’s article I found that some of you would like me to run a series regarding possible techie Christmas gifts. As always, thank you for the emails and ideas. I enjoy them all. Since the 25th is one week from…

Watch This

Before I start today’s article I want to thank those of you who responded about the Google Photos features I talked about last month. I am glad to you found a lot of useful information from them, it was my pleasure. Today, one of my readers wrote to ask me about a specific Christmas present…