Google Maps Updates

Several weeks ago I wrote about a few tips for Gmail and by the number of emails I received, it appears that you would like more. So today, let’s talk about another Google product that has recently made some new innovations.  As you may have heard, Google purchased a little app you may have heard…

More Gmail Tricks

From the response about last week’s new, “Scheduled Send” feature in Gmail, I found that many of you are interested in more things in Gmail. By “things”, the word some of you put in your emails I see that you want to find out about features in Gmail you may not have heard of before…

Bits and Bytes, Part 2

Last week I wrote about several short items that would not provide a full article but were still interesting and important items. I asked that you let me know if you liked that article on quick answers. You did and said you would like to hear about more apps. So here are some more Q&As…

Zip It

I received an email from Lena a couple of weeks ago. She asked me if there was a way to put several files together for storing them in a more organized way. She was trying to put all of her business files from week-to-week in one file for storage. Basically, one week’s worth of files…