Hello, Who’s There?

It all starts with a ring, ring or a zing, zing or whatever tone you have on your phone. You look at your screen and see a number that looks familiar from the local area. Do you answer it or ignore it? You may be waiting on a call from someone whose number you do…

Just Read

You know the world of Google Chrome Browser Extensions is very large, easy to use but scary to many new users. I thought about writing in regard to one that I have installed recently, really enjoy and use often for you. But first I decided to do a little research into Chrome Extensions. First, a…

2019 Sites in Review, Part 2

OK, for all of you hardcore fans…here is the second part of all the sites we visited last year. Once again, if the site addresses are too long for print, I have shortened them using my "dblclx.com" predecessor.  They will be continuous characters without spaces and capitalization counts. Copy them in their entirety and then…


For the last many years, we have had service for cable and internet with one LARGE service provider in the area. As a matter of fact, there were no competitors for them (for what we wanted) where we live. Our service was pretty good over the years, unlike some of the stories I have heard….

Browsing for Spies

Peter wrote this week with a suggestion about something he thought would be interesting and also helpful to others. I agreed. I also realized that I have not mentioned it in a few years but it has been around for years. However, many people never use it. Others use it because of what they think…

Windows 10 Headache

So, after several weeks of talking about all of the interesting things in Windows 10 – I had a week! As always Microsoft releases updates to Windows 10 from time-to-time. These are small updates and fixes the come out with no particular schedule. However, twice a year larger feature updates are included in the rollouts….

Interesting Question

Jenny recently wrote to me and asked an interesting question. She said she had searched to see how to best move her old Windows 7 computer to a new Windows 10 laptop. She went on to explain that she wanted to transfer passwords, bookmarks, etc. There are several things I understood from her question. One…