Clean sweep

Computer Audit

You know, many years ago, I was a banker. Every year, we went through a couple of audits. They were always nerve-racking. Not due to anything done disreputable but because you knew those people were pros at dotting the “i” and crossing the “t” to the Nth degree. Because of a conversation Jim Britt and…

Online Meeting

More Problems Caused by Covid

I would never have thought of this one. Since people were, and some still are, working from home, they still had to make it to some meetings. Think of the many applications which allow you to meet virtually; Cisco WebEx, Google Meet, GoToMeeting, Skype, Slack, and of course, Zoom. By-the-way, these are just some of…

Google Drive logo

Google Drive Revisited

You know, if you have read my articles in the past, that I like the Google system. I like, Google Docs, Google Search and many other Google features. However, you also know that I do not completely trust them keeping features and apps going. They have gotten us dependent on different applications they created…

Dictation recorder

Robot Writers

I have been a tech geek for many years. I have also been waiting for things guaranteed to me as a kid. They were supposed to be here by the year 2000. You know, flying cars and self-driving cars. Of course, we now have both to a very limited extent. As an adult geek, I…

Recycle Bin

Speed Up Your Windows Computer, Part 1

I get questions regularly about how people’s computers are running slower than they were when they were new. Well, so am I. After a few years, everything slows down a bit. However, with a computer, you have some options to speed them back up. Many times these recommendations will work and then only sometimes well,…