Stay home

You know I really do not want to write about this because I am very tired of it. However, I have received emails wondering about its effect on technology. I really do not want to say the name here, but it starts the same as a popular beer.

Due to the current virus running rampant across the world, life as we know it is changing. Personal comment here… I am in two or three of the groups which are more susceptible to this common virus. That number depends on what site you read. Am I worried about getting it? Nope, not much. But who knows what next week holds?

So, what does this have to do with technology? Lots, in different ways.

CircuitsFirst, most every business today depends on technology for income. But more than that it still depends on people. Due to the happenings to people in foreign countries, many components of all technological hardware will slow down. The reason is people make those components. Need a new smartphone, computer, monitor, CPAP machine, TV, etc.? You may have to wait a while longer to get it or have it repaired.

How about something I am currently experiencing? I work for an excellent, well run software company.  They decided this week to protect our employees and their families, especially those with young children. Our entire company will be working from home for the next several weeks.

I for one love this idea. Believe it or not, I can get more done with fewer distractions at home. At least that is my opinion and of course, I do not have young children running around the house. With technology, we can accomplish everything as efficiently, accurately and completely from anywhere in the world. Many other companies are doing this same thing. That way they may keep providing their customers good service…and keep business going.

Stay home for COVID-19

I use my computer for all of the normal applications I use at work. I can still email, create documentation, log notes in the systems, etc.  I also use applications that are specific to my organization.  I spend the majority of my days on the phone training our clients. However, we do not use a regular phone, or even smartphones for that matter. Our phones are VoIP. VoIP is an acronym for Voice over Internet Protocol. VoIP allows me to use a special phone or software from my computer to make phone calls. I can make phone calls at no added expense to anywhere in the world. Since they are all run over the internet you are basically calling on the web.

Slack.comWhat if I need to ask one of my coworkers a question during the day? I call them up…NOT! We use a chat program, and there are many. Our company uses Slack ( I can easily “talk” (by typing) to anyone individually, my entire team of six and any other group in the company. Then I get an answer directly back. We can even send videos, jokes, and conversations of any sort, similar to real life.

Now toward the end of two weeks, I imagine I will miss being around people. I will most likely miss that face-to-face interaction – I will let you know if a couple of weeks.

Also, to keep the virus from infecting your computer, drink a Corona beer while on your computer and it may provide some antivirus protection. But do not quote me on that.


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