OK, today I am going to tackle a question about smart phones that may make some of you upset with me; although, I will try and be gentle.

I am regularly asked why I prefer Android phones over iPhones. First, the main reason I prefer Android phones is that was the first type of smartphone I ever owned and continued to use. That being said there is really more to it.


I have been using Androids since they first came out in the Fall of 2008. iPhones came out in Summer 2007.  So for quite a while I knew and understood it better. I played with iPhones from time-to-time just to stay current but not extensively. Also, (here is where some people will be upset) there was some sort of iPhone snobbery I noticed from most iPhone users. It was silly I know but still, it was obvious to everyone but them. Just like with a Mac owner if you said something discouraging about their device it was like you called their children ugly. You could be hurt.

Here are some very basic comparisons after using two different iPhones for a year.

Android Pros: Much more control offered to the user. Many more applications available and a large number are free. Even though it was not windows related it operated more like a windows machine, with folders, installations, etc. More cases and accessories available if you wanted them. Multiple manufacturers which make lower prices. I can replace a bad battery in most models.

Android Cons: Sometimes hard to operate for inexperienced users. Too much control where a user could really mess something up if they tried the wrong thing. Needs rebooting too often to maintain productivity. Battery life in many cases was miserable, lasting less than 10 hours without making a call during the day. I can remove my apps from the home screen if I wish, like my banking app.

iPhone Pros: The actual phone themselves seem to be sturdier and built better. They even feel better in my hand. Thinner and lighter in weight. In most cases a much better daily battery length. Easy to use for inexperienced users. It seems to me, and this is opinion only, that the apps start and work quicker than on Android. That last one could be my perception and not reality but it sure feels like it. You can have the iPhone attitude if you wish.

iPhone Cons: As stated above the batteries last longer for the day (still a pro); however, the batteries seem to have more troubles staying charged after a year or so. I cannot replace the batter if it needs replacing.  Initial cost is higher. Repairs, if they can be made are more costly. You get no control over what appears on your home screens. An application is either there on install or if you want to remove it you uninstall it.

There are more detailed reasons but my final analysis is that I still like my Android phone better. But, without a doubt, I easily used and enjoyed the iPhones.

True confession time. I own an Android tablet I have had for a while and also an iPad that I use in training on iOS devices. I really like to use the iPad better. Why? I am not really sure but there is some mysterious unknown reason. Maybe I am becoming an iSnob.

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