Chrome Extensions

We looked at a few Google Chrome Extensions last week that I have been using for a while. BitWarden, Capital One Shopping, Chrome Remote Desktop, and DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials were briefly examined. I list them alphabetically, not in order of relevance or necessity. You could find all of them to be quite helpful when using the Chrome browser.

Jim contacted and asked, “How do you update the Google Chrome Browser?” So, I would like to bring up one slightly off-topic point. Being modern technology, it ought to update itself rather frequently, but I’ve discovered that’s not always the case. Like other program upgrades, there are reasons why you should worry about Chrome updates. It improves your performance, security, and may offer additional helpful features.

It is pretty simple to check on and update Google Chrome, if needed. First, open the browser and click on the three dots in the upper-right corner. Select “Help,” then “About Google Chrome.” If an update is available, Chrome will automatically download and install it. It will show you during the update the current version. As of this writing the latest version is 112.0.5615.138. Once the update is complete, you will need to restart Chrome.

Google Update
Google Update Screen

Today’s first add-on is called “GIPHY for Gmail,” which allows you to search for and include animated GIFs in your Gmail emails ( The formatting options button in Gmail will get a new Giphy icon after the extension has been downloaded and installed. Click the icon to access the Giphy search bar. Then you can use a keyword, category, or trending topic to search for GIFs. After discovering a GIF, you like, click on it to add it to your email. The GIF will appear as an embedded image when the recipient opens the email. It might be a humorous image, and most often they will be animated.

Giphy for Gmail
Giphy for Gmail

You may communicate with loved ones and more, using the “Google Meet” app, which is not an extension and was previously known as, “Google Hangouts.” However, it fits right in with helpful features in Google. To get to it via the web, go to and it will go to a longer address. It is accessible via desktop, mobile, and online apps. You may access Meet from the Chrome browser or by using a Google Chrome plugin. The free Google Meet service is a fantastic way to remain in touch with friends, family, business associates, or anyone. Additionally, it is a fantastic way to share data and make video conversations. Once in Chat, a list of your contacts will be visible. Then engage them in a text conversation, a video call, or simply share some of your files with them for use. One advantage of utilizing Google Meet with Chrome is that no other software or plugins need to be downloaded and it is simple to use.

Google Meet
Google Meet

This one was mentioned six years ago. “Print Friendly & PDF” ( performs an excellent job of converting any webpage you wish to read, email, store for reference material, or, as one of my friends described it, allowing him to read the New York Times without all the “junk” included. The magic starts when you click the extension’s button while on a page. Another version of the page will be generated without the advertisements, and/or other annoying, unrelated clutter. Then you may also delete parts you do not want to see later. You can then choose to print it, make a PDF, or send the file by email. Personally, I like to email it from my personal email account after saving it as a PDF file.

Print Friendly PDF
Print Friendly & PDF Editing View
Print Friendly & PDF Save
Print Friendly & PDF Ready to Save

I will discuss the final few practical extensions I frequently use next week.

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