Windows 11

Windows 11

The new Windows OS has been masterfully been named, “Windows 11” and it started a very slow rollout on October 5th. Windows Operating Systems according to Net MarketShare research shows that 88.5% of the world uses Microsoft Operating Systems for the past year. The next closes is the Mac OS at 8.96%. The latest version of Windows, Windows 11, has many features that make it even more intuitive than the past versions, so it will be widespread in the next year. Or so the ads go. Also, to be honest, I have not installed it to test it yet, but I have read, studied, and researched W11 plenty.

The first difference noticed is that the new version comes with an updated start menu. It has a new translucent look that can be customized by adding or removing tiles for programs you use most often. Also, something I find quite amusing is that the start menu is on the bottom-middle of the window, not on the left as it was before. I find it funny because it looks like a ripoff of Apple’s Mac menu. They have almost always had a center menu, and this looks very much like that. Never fear, if you liked it on the left, there is an option to move it back. They say this version will be more user friendly.

Now some other good news for you that are not good at avoiding bad stuff online or at least some types of corrupt material. It it said to provide better protection against viruses and malware than Windows 10, which did a pretty good job itself. And if something goes really badly on your PC when/if you switch to 11, Microsoft has also taken care of your data. They are making it easier to back up and restore files in case something goes horrifically wrong with the upgrade process. I doubt it, but a few people will have an unpleasant experience with the gazillions of users.

Now, the bottom line. Should you upgrade now? Here is my opinion. I have a desktop and a notebook that I use for everything; work, personal, writing these articles, creating websites, etc. I choose to allow other users to check out Windows 11 before I do. There will be some issues and problems, but if so, I cannot spare the computer or time to get it fixed. After several months of fixes and/or/maybe repairs, I will happily install Windows 11. But right now I will let people with many multiple computers to test it out first. Should you upgrade? If you have several computers to use, sure, go ahead. If you are like most people and have one computer…wait.

Would you like to check and see if you can even install W11? Do not fret, more recent computers that can run W10 will have no problems. But check this MS link to,, and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on, “Download PC Health Check App” to make sure. After running it, if you see a “TPM 2.0” warning, never fear. I am pretty sure that it will disappear before long. Do not worry…yet. Remember, I predicted Betamax would win the video tapes wars…what are video tapes?

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