GrayHaired.Tech uses some, “Affiliate Links.”

OK, Ron, thanks for telling me but what are Affiliate Links?

I occasionally write about good products, sites, or services for sale online. If I believe it could be of benefit to you, I will put in a link to the item. That way you can click it and view more information they have on their website about that item or service, etc.

If it is an affiliate link that means that I have my ID included in the link (usually a combo of characters & numbers). So, when you go to the site and purchase anything there, even if you browse away from the original item, I get some pennies on the purchase. Most of the time it is literally pennies or partial pennies. It is like a sales commission; however, it does not affect your price.

The inclusion of affiliate links does not influence the coverage of any product’s or site’s coverage. I am committed to evaluating everything with integrity, and the inclusion of an affiliate link should not be interpreted as a product endorsement.

Affiliate links can help me pay for the upkeep on this site.

Below are two links for the same product that I wrote about a while back. They do not appear any different, when clicked they take you to the same page on Amazon. On the left is the Affiliate Link and the one on the right is a regular link.

I also found out that the price is lower on Amazon right now (9/2020). It is now at $34.89, so even better than shown.

Check the K750 on Amazon
Affiliate Link
Check the K750 on Amazon
Regular Link