Google Account Page

Google is Watching

You know by reading my steady supply of tech articles, podcasts, and other writing that I am a Google fan. I like and use most everything by Google from the search engine, email, photos, document creation, and storage to everything else they provide to us…for free. Check out the podcasts at for the first 12 at this time.

However, some people do worry about what Google knows about them. I do not, but some do. You can check it out if you wish…read on.

They regularly gather all of the searches you perform on especially if you are logged into your Google account. Personally, I am almost always logged in since I use it much of the time. They also keep track of everywhere you go whether you have an iPhone or Android phone when you use Google Maps for directions. Oh, you use Waze for your travels, so no worries? Well, guess what, Google owns Waze which they bought for $1.2 billion in 2013. So, yes, they know where you are and have been. If you do not believe me log into your Google account and go to to be amazed, surprised, or maybe terrified. Me, I like to see where I have been in the past year or so.

Do you like to watch interesting, educational, or just goofy YouTube videos? So do I. But guess what? Google purchased YouTube in 2006 for a mere $1.65 billion (in stock). So, they know not only which videos you watch but how long you watched it, at what point you stopped watching and what you clicked on next along with what types of videos you like. They know where and when you go. They know where you stay, how long you are there, and what your interests are on a minute to minute basis. Of course, the maps update your locations every 15 seconds.

Google Keeps Track

Would you like to remove or at least check on what information they have on you?

Google Account Page
Google Account Page

A month or so ago Google started a new thing to protect your information. Google will automatically delete your private information. Of course, they only do this once every year and a half (yes, 18 months). This is the new default setting. However, this is only the default for new accounts set up after they started the service in June.  If you (like me) are one of the Google Account owners for years before June…your account will remain there indefinitely…like forever. From what I can find that is only a bit over 2.5 billion people.

To get started finding what they have on you, log into your Google account at Gmail, YouTube, or other Google locations then go to You can just go there and log in but it may be simpler for you to go to one of the other sites you use most often first.

Take a look around, be amazed, be impressed or yes, even terrified if you are of that ilk. Next time I will give you some tips on how to get rid of the data they have gathered on you and control it a bit better.

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