Coffee Beans


So first I told you to have great and easy it is to work from home (WFH). I mentioned how that I, for one, enjoy it as the “hubbub” is much less and I can get a bit more work done.  I may also drink my favorite coffee, from my favorite cup and other caffeines I love at home. Small though those be, they are nice.



Then my actual first week hit and due to so many millions of people who are also working from home during this time, communications came to a partial halt. I have tried to find some current information on how many are now working at home due to COVID-19, but so far, the figures have been elusive. I will say that if you are interested this was a most fascinating article which I tend to agree with in many areas: (reminder that caps count in that link so type it as is). Also, if you are interested in what numbers the CDC has and other information, check this link for daily updates: (again, caps count).

So, the first week I was pumped and all was well. Then the second week which if you read it last week, reality set in, not Internet Technology Bliss. Why not? I have worked from home off and on many times over the past years with only very, very infrequent problems. But now…oh no, there are millions of us WFH as I stated above.

We are all online using communications software which is vital to working from home. Especially, if like me, you spend six out of every eight hours on the phone helping train people. The big players in the communications industry failed. I was cut off; I and or clients could not connect very well. Then I found for G Suite paid accounts and all was more peaceful. Other than sending out emails to let people know the new process…it WORKED!  As I stated before, if you do not have a G Suite account you could get most of it free and quite user-friendly at

At the end of week three and now hopefully the rest of the weeks/months remaining of WFH times the big boys fixed their problem. They have massively stepped up their game. Now communications are available with the big players. Some are even saying that if you are impacted by the pandemic and a K-12 educator, health provider or a non-profit organization you can get their service for free now that they have resolved their issues. I know it had to cost a lot of $$ for these companies to do this, but they came through in the pinch and I, for one appreciate it! So, thanks to all you big online communications/meeting companies.

Do not forget to login at and check out the videos I have been posting on how to use your Google account for us gray hairs. I imagine you will get a lot out of them and have a little fun learning along the way. I look forward at this time to helping you whenever I can. Not for everyone of course, but one of my readers lives in my neighborhood and knows me.  If you read my articles regularly you know that I am an Android phone fan. However, I was still able to get her iPhone working in about 10 minutes…and more than happy to help. Friends can drop by any time.

Have a great, safe week and pray we are out of this mess soon!

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