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For a couple of years, I have been using a good Chrome Browser Add-on called Mighty Text, found at which allows texting from your computer. The big basic is that it allows you to hook it up to your phone and send text messages from your computer. This works on your Android device and your PC.

Mighty TextThis makes it very convenient when you work in an office, as you and I get occasional text messages. You do not have to pull out your phone and type a response if you can call it typing on that tiny keyboard. Instead, you can simply type on your computer’s large convenient keyboard while reading the messages on your monitor. It works in the browser and also gives you popups when you get a text if the browser is open.

You can also send pictures, emojis and even animated gifs along to your friends. It syncs your photos from your phone’s camera to the Mighty Text site. That way you can store your photos in the cloud on Mighty Text. There are several other interesting features available in the Pro version. MightyText Pro costs $80 annually.

Now one problem I had with it in recent months. I was on vacation for a week or so and sent and received many texts. Toward the end of the month I would start getting warnings that I was approaching, then exceeding my limit and then, once over, it stopped. I researched and discovered you are limited to 150 texts per month with the free version.

I recently discovered a replacement that has no limits, at this time. It is called TextTo ( which does the basics of Mightly Text. It will text through your phone just as the other application; however, it only works with Android phones. As a matter of fact, when you log in there is only one way to activate your account with TextTo and that is with your Google/Gmail account.

Something I appreciated is this app only does one thing. It will only allow you to text and receive texts on your computer. However, you can send emojis and pictures along with your text. The other more fanciful features of Mighty Text are not available in TextTo and that is fine with me. I really want to use it for communication. The other abilities, to me, are data enlarging fluff and apparently have a cost association.

Both of these applications keep your texts on your phone too. That allows you to go to your phone later and see all conversations you had, whether on phone or PC.

You may not be like me and do not find texting beneficial at all. If so, that is fine. I keep saying if I were independently rich and did not have to work for a living I would have a flip phone for calls. That is all I really need…now as far as computers and tablets for me that is another story indeed.

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