fb dirty keyboard

Continuing from last week, if your computer feels unusually hot, or you hear your fans running at full speed for extended periods of time, it may be overheating. This can lead to system instability and potential hardware damage, which means it could need maintenance to clean dust and improve cooling.

dirty pc

Regular cleaning is essential to prevent dust buildup, which can impair function and lead to overheating. Dust can block vents and fans, making it vital to maintain a clean environment for your computer. By being alert for these signs and addressing them promptly, you can extend the lifespan of your computer and maintain its performance. Regular preventive maintenance can save you from costly repairs and eventual data loss.

For a desktop system, shut it down, and unplug it from the wall. You are best to remove the screws from the case and open it up. Just do not touch anything inside the computer. Use a can of compressed air to spray inside until all the dust is gone. My suggestion is to do this outdoors as it can be quite dusty. Do not use a vacuuming device, as they can add a shock that can damage your device. Wiping the inside of the PC with a cloth or anything is never recommended, as it may cause damage. Unless you know what you are doing, do not touch the innards of the PC.

compress air
Compressed Air, most any brand will work

With a laptop, it is a bit different. Again, start with shutting it down and remove the power cable from it. Locate the air vents, usually on the sides or bottom of the laptop. Use short bursts of compressed air to blow out dust from the vents. If accessible, carefully clean the fan blades with compressed air or a soft brush. Caution: Always consult your laptop’s manual before attempting to clean it through the vents. I was cleaning one years ago that instructed you to only blow the compressed air into one, specific vent and not the other one. If you blew it in the wrong one, you could cause problems. Luckily, for me, I read that piece of information first and was successful.

dirty vent

Use compress air on your keyboard anytime as it cannot hurt.

cleaning keyboard

If your laptop gets wet, immediately turn it off, unplug it, and remove the battery if possible. Gently dry the exterior with a soft lint free towel or microfiber cloth. Then let it air dry in a well-ventilated area for at least 48 hours before attempting to turn it on.

I am regularly asked, “What if I spill ______ on my keyboard, what should I do?” That is a great question with several answers. If it is water, immediately turn it off and unplug the laptop. Next, open the keyboard and turn it all upside down to let it dry. You could even use a hairdryer set on cool, to accelerate the process. But whatever you do, do not turn it on again for at least 48 hours. If you really soaked it well you may need to take it apart and dry the insides or better, take it to a professional for that. If you spill a sticky drink do all you can to get the sticky off using isopropyl alcohol and take it to a professional and see if they can fix the insides. But also, start shopping for a new computer. The sugar residue will cause corrosion of the components and even the keyboard. Over time, it will not function, maybe months, maybe a year or so, but it will not last as long as it could have.

If it is a desktop keyboard, disconnect it from your computer and rinse it in a full stream of water at your sink. You can use the sprayer too. After you get it rinsed out, shake it out very well to get most of the water out. Finally, pour distilled water on it and dry with a soft lint free towel or microfiber cloth. Let it dry, upside-down, for 48 hours and they use it as usual. Again, if a sugary drink; remember the residue and the probable outcome.

Older Hardware is sometimes another issue. If your computer is several years old and struggling to run current software, it may be time for an upgrade or replacement. Older hardware can become incompatible with new applications, leading to performance issues. You can try upgrading your PC but, in my opinion, it can be more costly to upgrade an older system than it is to purchase a newer system, and you may be able to get extras as it is more modern.

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