Welcome to today’s Show Notes and Podcast. I hope you enjoy listening and reading what went on today. Not many items covered but many interesting discussions.

Tech News
SA police to verify identities with Android fingerprint scanner
A fleet of 150 Android-powered mobile fingerprint biometric scanners from NEC will be deployed to allow the South Australian police verify identities of suspects on the spot.

Developed, implemented, and managed by NEC Australia’s security and public safety team, the application, which has been on trial since late 2013, consists of a single fingerprint scanner that is paired via Bluetooth to an Android smartphone device. It has been designed to allow police officers to verify a suspect’s identity on the spot in less than 40 seconds.

Police officers scan up to four fingerprints of a suspect and cross-reference the information — via a secure network and 3G/4G mobile data networks — against Australia’s Crimtrac national police reference database, which contains 5.6 million sets of sets of finger and palm records for 3.3 million people.

If the system returns with a ‘hit’, it will show the person’s details, including name, ID, any bail conditions, any outstanding warrants, a current photo, any behaviour characteristics like ‘tendency to be violent’, so that the member can make the appropriate decision on the spot," he said.

It was also said that the technology was designed to reduce the amount of inaccurate identity claims — a frequent challenge that police officers face.

Ron’s Android App Recommendation
(This app can be found on Google Play from your Android phone,
tablet or viewed on your PC from the link below.)

Ever noticed your group photos are always missing the photographer? Groopic solves this age-old problem by seamlessly including your photographer friend in every group photo. No more asking for help from a stranger or setting up a tripod. With Groopic, your pictures have every friend, every time!

The usage is real simple: Take two pictures, mark the photographers and groopic does the magic.

If you would like to know where the stop lights are located check out this site. They have them on the map and what type of camera that is located there, whether Red Light Cameras, Right Turn Cameras, Speed Cameras, Toll Road Cameras all the information is there for you.

As always thanks for paying attention and tuning in! I hope to see you back here next month on June 17th.


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