Today we covered the technology news of the days, sites you can visit and use along with HGTV shows, the Kardashians and even…yes, Paris Hilton.  What those last ones you may wonder.  To find out check out the podcast from today.

Tech News
Structural Shift in PC Market
Worldwide PC shipments dropped 4.9% in the fourth quarter pointing to a structural shift rather than just a weak economy, according to new data from technology research firm Gartner Inc. (IT)

"Tablets have dramatically changed the device landscape for PCs, not so much by "cannibalizing" PC sales, but by causing PC users to shift consumption to tablets rather than replacing older PCs," said Mikako Kitagawa, principal analyst at Gartner. "Whereas as once we imagined a world in which individual users would have both a PC and a tablet as personal devices, we increasingly suspect that most individuals will shift consumption activity to a personal tablet, and perform creative and administrative tasks on a shared PC."

Apple Rumored to be developing a new "Have to Have" Gadget
The idea of a smartwatch is nothing new; we’ve seen plenty of wrist-borne accessories designed to work alongside smartphones, and even some running smartphone platforms themselves. Pebble, with its e-ink screen, looks like it will be quite nice (if it ever actually ships), especially for iOS users. What about an official Apple smartwatch, though? You can wear an iPod on a wrist strap, but that’s not quite the same thing. Well, Apple might just have a full-blown smartwatch project in the works, at least according to some new rumors out of Asia.

Supposedly, Apple and Intel have been working together on this smartwatch, which would feature a 1.5-inch OLED display. The watch would talk to your iPhone over a low-power Bluetooth connection.

Ron’s Android App Recommendation
(this app can be found on Google Play from your Android phone,
tablet or viewed on your PC from the link below.)
Pitfall! Coverart Pitfall

Remember 1981 and Indiana Jones? Do you also remember Activision’s Atari 2600? Finally, how about Pitfall and Pitfall Harry? I remember it well as I spent many hours trying to avoid the jaws of the alligators on my Atari system.

The graphics are significantly better that the old sprites and game play from the last century and now you can play it on your phone!

Escape the wrath of an angry volcano while collecting ancient treasures in PITFALL!, an adrenaline-fueled, free-running adventure set in a deadly jungle with twists and turns that will always keep you on your toes.

Interesting article about the original.

USB Pet Rock
USB Pet Rock!
It’s back, it’s bold it’s beautiful! Just like the original up updated for the current times.

About.Me is a free service that lets you create a beautiful one-page website that’s all about you and your interests. Upload a photo, write a short bio, and add your favorite social networks to show the world the big picture of you. We’ve focused on enabling you to:

Quickly build a personal web page that points visitors to your content from around the web. It is like an online business card.

Check out mine at or my personal one I made myself.

Futuristic A-Frame Glasses Will Adjust to Fit Any Face
For some, the task of finding a pair of glasses or sunglasses is an epic task. Not only do you have to find a pair that compliments the shape of your face, but they also have to fit your face. With that in mind, designer Ron Arad designed the A-Frame line of glasses that can expand and contract to sit comfortably on any face address the latter issue.

Wonder Page
Wonderpage is a new visual, private & social bookmarking tool, it also serves perfectly as browser start-up page with super sweet bookmark grid display.

It gives you a thumbnail of each webpage you "bookmark" so that you can make this your home page on your browser and get to the places you visit regularly online very quickly.

At this site enter the date, time, phone number and message; then your phone will…

  • Set a wake-up call at a specific time.
  • Remind yourself of important events.
  • Remember to take medication on time.
  • Escape from a boring date or meeting.
  • Remind child or spouse to do chores.
  • Set reminders for tasks and follow-ups.

My Space
Justin Timberlake is the one that is bringing back MySpace.

Will it succeed this time around? Who knows, but Justin is making a stab at it. It is very different, check it out and see if you think it will make it against Twitter, Facebook and all the other social networks.

That is all for this month. Take a look around, let me know your thoughts about all the links and info today.

Have a great month until Jim and I see you next month on February 18th.



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