OK I saw this post today (http://www.onlineitdegree.net/email-overload/) and thought wow, silly but almost dead on.

My main complaint with how email is destroying the business economies today is that we are overburdened with it and it needs to get under control. 

This helps, but it is up to each individual.  Stop sending so much needless email!  And stop CC’ing people that do not need to read it.  Next, DO NOT USE “Reply to All” unless it is really, really needed by everyone in the first email.

And sorry to offend you but the huge majority of people at work don’t want to waste time looking at your vacation, kid, cat, dog, any pet, and yes even grand kid pictures unless they ask you to send them to them…so don’t.

Thanks and have a nice day, get back to work and stop wasting work time reading junk like this!

 Email Overload

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