Listen to the podcast online if you weren’t able to listen live this morning.

Tech News
Chromebooks (yes, Google too) are on the way
Online notebooks are on the way and may rule the tech world for many users.

"Chromebook isn’t instant-on! Don’t believe any marketing messaging suggesting it. I had to wait an agonizing 4 seconds when flipping the lid before the Chrome logo appeared — first bootup out of the box."

LulzSec Hackers take down, just for kicks
The hacking group LulzSec have added to the growing list of organizations whose websites they’ve breached just for the heck of it, including Sony,, FBI affiliate Infragard and a porn site. Last week the group released a long list of internal configuration data from the U.S. Senate’s official website, — while none of it appeared to be sensitive, the group appeared to want to show that it could breach the Senate’s computer network.

We don’t like the US government very much,” the hacker group which also calls itself The Lulz Boat said. “Their boats are weak, their lulz are low, and their sites aren’t very secure. In an attempt to help them fix their issues, we’ve decided to donate additional lulz in the form of owning them some more!”

LulzSec Hackers take down CIA Website 06/16/11
After recently attacking a number of gaming websites, the hacker group known as LulzSec has used a DDoS attack to take down the CIA’s website,

The site was inaccessible for several hours.

LulzSec is now taking phone requests of what site to bring down
See above then read on…

Hacking group LulzSec was touting a hotline yesterday that let people call in and request takedowns of Web sites.

"Call into 614-LulzSec and pick a target, and we’ll obliterate it," LulzSec wrote on its Twitter account yesterday. "Nobody wants to mess with The Lulz Cannon–take aim for us Twitter."

The LulzSec hotline’s area code encompasses the Columbus, Ohio, metropolitan area, though it’s unlikely the people behind the organization are there. According to LulzSec, its hacking request line was lighted up all day, and it accommodated a total of eight requests. By the end of the day, it claims to have had 5,000 missed calls and 2,500 voicemails.

1)  Soluto
Frustrated by your sluggish and unresponsive PC?

Soluto is bringing an end to PC user frustration with transparency, killer technology, and your help.

Find things that slow your system down from the minute you start it up until it is ready to run.  Many of the applications that start with your computer really are not needed until you need them. 

I also spoke off the air to someone who wanted free/inexpensive anti-virus software.  As always I recommended Microsoft’s Security Essentials…which as you know if you have listened to the show before, is free.

Have a great month and I will be on WSVA (550 AM) next month, Monday, July 18, 2011.

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