Once again, here are the sites we discussed today, in the order we mentioned them. Take a look and let me know how you like them. Also, give me others that you think we could talk about next month.

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

FatFingers eBay
Thousands of items are listed on eBay with spelling mistakes. These often end with no bids as no-one can find them. This site will check many typos and then search for what you type in. Say Granndfather Clcok instead of Grand father Clock…make sure you choose the correct country to search eBay.

I Can’t Find My Phone
OK, you left your phone laying around somewhere. You usually call it, hear it ring and get it. But what if you don’t have another phone nearby.

Norad Santa Tracker
Started 12/01 and you can also follow it on Facebook.  The site includes radar for Santa along with games, videos and other Santa related “things:”.

Once again I hope you have a great Christmas and look forward to seeing you online.

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