Here we are in 2024. Can you believe how time flies—for anyone over 40, that is? It seems like only a few years ago we were being molested by the Y2K bug. I then said and still do that it was a planned money-maker for computer manufacturers sponsored by the government. I wrote my first printed article in January 2002, and here I am, still at it after all these years. Let me tell you, the readers, that I appreciate all that you have shared with me and allowed me to write about all of these tech ideas and thoughts for these many years. WOW, this is the start of my 23rd year, so thank you for hanging out with me! Hey, if you have one, or more, things that you have learned from my musings, please shoot me an email and let me know what they were. That could be fun to read about in the future.

Also, thanks for the emails I continue to receive. I enjoy talking to you (and getting new article ideas from you). So please keep them coming!

If you see something below that is of interest, check it out. If not, skip it and move on, and have an enjoyable 2024 as the world continues to spin.

Below, I review the sites I wrote about in 2023, in the order I originally wrote about them. I have shortened the longer addresses using my “” predecessor. Copy them in their entirety to your browser’s address bar to visit the sites. You can also go to GrayHaired.Tech and click the links to visit the references.

So, here they are, with a very abbreviated description of each.

Netflix ( & Hulu (, You know what these are unless you are still watching TV with an antenna. They are two of the most popular streaming services. If you are a TV or movie viewer, you may likely use them and maybe others. Good, and of course, bad flics can be viewed on them.

Samsung Pay (, Apple Pay (, and Google Pay (, these are three popular ways to pay for services or items with your phone, among others. They are used by millions of people, and they seem to be more popular in Europe than in the US., Burner Mail (, Email on Deck (, Guerrilla Email (, temporary email addresses that only last for a specific amount of time or use. They are not the best for longevity but for security for a short time. Try them out and read about them if you need them. for my #1 choice of password managers. I use BitWarden exclusively, and I even pay for it annually. Yes, you know me, and I do not like to spend money, but this one is worth it for me.

Google Authenticator,, read about 2FA, or Two Factor Authentication, and how to use it and why you SHOULD use it!

GetHuman (, go here to get help on how to contact a human for assistance on a website, corporation, or any commercial entity online. When to call, when to email, and how to do them in the most efficient way. It will show you how long you will have to wait for some customer service calls.

SnagIt ( and ShareX (, the first is the best paid screen capture application, which I have used for many years. The second, ShareX, is the best “free” screen capture utility and may be better than the paid application. The choice is yours.

These are the sites I reviewed until about April 2023, so hang tight for next week, when we look at the next few months of the past year.

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