Be Social

Be Careful with Social Media

Social Media is here to stay, but people feel differently about it. Basically, Social Media is a form of electronic communication. Usually found as websites or phone apps. They are for social gathering where users create online communities to share their thoughts, personal messages, discussion, and, sometimes, disagreements. They can use text, pictures, symbols, and/or…

Remove Access

Google Devices

Scroll down past this very long graphic. It may be long, but interesting for you to take a look.  Security is a big deal on the web. With your bank, store sites, email, and yes, my favorite Google. If you’re like most people, you probably use Google for just about everything – from searching the…

One of Ron's Trello Boards

Trello for Organization

I have received several questions about how I organize and keep track of what I have written about, and am going to write about. Some have asked if I keep my notes on a piece of paper, with a word processor, an Excel spreadsheet, sticky notes, in my head, or wherever. Well, first I am…

Free Wifi

Practice Safe Public Wi-Fi

After last week’s article regarding “Steps Recorder,” someone asked if there is a way to get more immediate support from a friend or relative for problem resolution? The simple answer is, “Yes!” The more complicated answer is that there are as many ways to do this as Doan’s had pills in the 1940s. But last…