2023 01 03 2022 Sites in Review Pic 005

Here you go, for the many of you that have written saying that you appreciate the reviews of last year’s links. This is the last of 2022. Enjoy!

Ghtech.site/KeepInfo, this is some of the previous information I wrote and recorded regarding Google Keep.

Google Keep Bulleted Check-Off List
Google Keep Bulleted Check-Off List

Google.com/devices. This is the URL for where you find all the devices that have access to your Google Account.
Ghtech.site/DeviceInfo, Google will show you how to control your devices that have access to your information.
Ghtech.site/3rdparty, Google showing you about 3rd party access to your Google account.
Ghtech.site/timeonline, an article that gives statistics on how much time people spend online. It is amazing at how long people are using the web.
Ninite.com. This is one of the easier to use apps that allows you to install many applications at one time. A very good way to get a new computer ready to go.

Ninite choices

BitWarden.com, the password storage vault that I prefer to use for online security. There are many others but this one fits right for me. (That means that there are other good ones, but this is the best “freebie” version I have found).
Microsoft365.com, Drive.Google.com, LibreOffice.org. These are the three top free production software apps that you can get today (there are more, but these are my favorites). They all have free versions, but with Microsoft and Google, you can pay and get more. LibreOffice is free in total. Try them all out and see if you prefer one over the other. I prefer MS Office, but they are all about equal for most users in the world today.
Thunderbird.net is a client email application. It can show you more than one email account at one time. Say you have a Gmail, Microsoft, Yahoo, Comcast and whatever other email accounts. With Thunderbird, you can add them all and view those emails in one place.
Ghtech.site/open-source is a very good definition and definitive description of exactly what Open-Source software is. It makes a good read and you can learn at the same time.
Video Lan Client (videolan.org). VLC is one of the best available audio and video players available at this time. And it is free. You should download it and use it.


Audio-Visual meeting software is the forefront of business and personal time for most everyone, especially since Covid hit. FaceTime for iPhone and iPads. With a PC there are other choices. Google Meet (meet.google.com), Teams.com from Microsoft, Zoom.us. These are the most popular and useful communication software that I feel they are the best. They are all good and you should try them all. If you need them, pick the best one for you. I prefer Zoom, but that is personal preference and not a scientific evaluation.
PatchMyPC (patchmypc.com), one of my most required apps on my computers. This application will update most of your programs that are found on your PC. Be smart and use it to help your PC and yourself stay up-to-date.
Audible.com or Scribd.com, the two audible book apps that I would recommend. I believe Audible is best; however, it is a bit more expensive. Scribd has other pluses you may want to consider. Check them out if you are interested in audible books.

Ron's 8 GadgetPack with Weather Expanded
Ron’s 8 GadgetPack with Weather Expanded

8 GadgetPack, at 8gadgetpack.net. Here you can add “widgets” to your computer that show different information about life and your PC. Check out what it can do at the site.

That is it for 2022. I look forward to seeing you here next week.

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