I paid for software?

Apps I Purchased

The holidays are usually a great time of getting together with family and friends. I do not know how or if you are planning that this year, but I hope you have a great holiday season whatever you have decided. Also, as I have been asked this year and others, “Why don’t you write about…

Traveling Minstrel

The Changing Face of Entertainment

You know the history of entertainment has changed tremendously throughout the years. I guess we first started with someone gathering around the fire ring to tell stories. They would enthrall the listeners with daring-do and excitement to escape the mundane of everyday life. In time things changed and we had bards going from town-to-town singing…

Yubikey Installed into USB port

More Security with Yubikey

Earlier this year… I made a few suggestions about your password safety. One of the things I recommended, and still do, is LastPast, which you can find here, ghtech.site/lp-howto. Here is a very quick review of LastPass. It allows you to save your login credentials, such as usernames and passwords to the app. You create…