Welcome back from last month to this one. Today we had a good show talking about several items of real importance and a new addiction. Read on below or listen to the podcast here and enjoy.

The regular site (you are here now) is DoubleClicks.info. The new site will be up and running soon DoubleClicksLive.com where you can learn about technology in a relaxed and fun environment with me. You can actually go to the site now and register for updates when we are ready to launch. (In the last sentence I said “we.”  But honestly, it is just me which is why it is taking me a little time to get it all finished and pretty.

We start with just a couple of ways to stay safer online.

Click Bait
Click Bait


  1. Click Bait – if you get an email with links NOT CLICK the links –it is a trap andthey are the cheese, the internet is the trap and you are the rat. This includes your bank and financial sites. Type the URL in your browser if you think you need to go to your bank online.
  2. Strangers – DO NOT trust strangers or “help” them out financially. Even though they sound it, they are not nice people they are out for your money. Donate to your church, the Salvation Army or other reputable organizations. Consider the Go Fund Me site to contribute to people that “MAY” need help. Again, only help people that you know outside of the internet. There are some sad stories there that are also fake even though GoFundMe tries to stop them. Stay LOCAL in your help.
  3. Web Sites – DO NOT visit sites you know nothing about and if you are on a questionable site DO NOT click on other links. It is dangerous in different ways; physically to your computer, your wallet, your brain (you might end up somewhere you really do not want to see) and more. Be careful out there!
Tech News
Phone Addiction

At least 4 of the following signs and symptoms are thought to comprise criteria for cell phone addiction, and the problematic cell phone overuse must cause significant harm to the individual’s life.

    • A need to use the cell phone more and more often in order to achieve the same desired effect.
    • Persistent failed attempts to use cell phone less often.
    • Preoccupation with smartphone use.
    • Turns to a cell phone when experiencing unwanted feelings such as anxiety or depression.
    • Excessive use characterized by loss of sense of time.
    • Has put a relationship or job at risk due to excessive cell phone use.
    • Tolerance.
    • Need for newest cell phone, more applications, or increased use.
    • Withdrawal, when their cell phone or network is unreachable.
      • Anger.
      • Tension.
      • Depression.
      • Irritability.
      • Restlessness.

Check us out next month on July 16th and see what’s new.

Also, do not forget to visit Double Clicks Live in the next week or so. That is where you can learn ways to use your computer, phone, tablets and all the other gadgets you have while visiting with me.

Thanks for visiting today.


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