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It seems like it has been a while since the last time I wrote to you but I hope you have had a couple of good 2018 weeks and have about 50 more!

It is hard to believe but today we begin the 17th year of the “Double Click” column.  I want to thank all of you for reading the approximately 800 articles and writing in response.  Again, thanks for the emails I continue to receive.  Not only does it let me know the articles are actually being read but I really enjoy talking to you (and getting new article ideas from you).  So please keep them coming!

This January (as every year) I will be reviewing the sites I wrote about during the previous year.  If the site addresses are too long for print I have shortened them using the “” app.  The links will be preceded by “” followed by various letters and numbers.  Copy them, then paste them in your browser’s address bar to visit the sites (caps count).

So, here they are in their order of appearance with short descriptions of each.

Facebook Settings, – you can read my article for details but I show you how to make a few important changes to your security in FB.
Facebook Deletion, –  where you go to totally delete your Facebook account…if you have had enough.
Chrome Extensions, chrome://extensions – this works ONL:Y in the Chrome browser – go here to add extensions which allow you do perform specific functions in Chrome.
Surface Pro Computers, – get information on the latest Microsoft computers sales and data available at Google.
Netflix, – you know this one, check out movies, TV and more for monthly fee.
Amazon, – I know you know this one as you have most likely purchased or gotten something from there just a recently.
PayPal, – where you can securely make online payments for most anything online.
FBI (Internet Crime Complaint Center), – both are places to check and report online problems.
US Government Online Safety, – get more help and information about online scams.
Pocket, – a place to record sites that you visit and wish to visit again later.
Annotary, – similar to Pocket with more features like making notes and highlights to those sites.
Google Maps, – maps and more along with being able to track your friends/family (
Alternative To, – check this site to find less expensive or free applications for other more expensive ones.
Libre Office, – one of the top Office applications available for free today.
Dropbox, – my favorite online cloud storage site.
Lucid Charting, – a free alternative app for Visio for making charts, obviously.
7-Zip, – an application which allows you to combine files into one larger file to store or send where you can also add password protection.
Gimp, – a great photo/graphics editor; however, there is a large learning curve.
Belarc Advisor, – find out all the information about your computer with this application and probably more than you need to know.

See you next week for the last half of 2017 in review.

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