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Tech News

Ron’s Netflix Account Could Have Been Hacked?! Here is the email I got from Netflix…this one is real.
Dear Ron,

We have detected a suspicious sign-in to your Netflix account. Your Netflix account may have been compromised by a website or a service not associated with Netflix. Just to be safe and prevent any further unauthorized access of your account, we’ve reset your password.

Please visit the login page at https://www.netflix.com/LoginHelp or type www.netflix.com into your browser, click on "sign in", and then click "forgot your email or password." Follow the instructions to reset your password. You will need to use your new password to sign in to Netflix on your devices.

We recommend that you also change your password on any other websites where you may have used the same password. We also want to assure you that your payment information is secure and does not need to be changed. We have more recommendations for how to keep your Netflix account secure in our Help Center.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please visit the Help Center at https://help.netflix.com/help or call us at 1-866-579-7172.

-The Netflix Team

Crime Pays: Ransomware Bosses Make $90K Annually

If crime doesn’t pay, Russian ransomware bosses wouldn’t know it.

The average Russian ransomware boss makes US$90,000 a year — or 13 times the average income for citizens in the country who stick to the "straight and narrow," according to a recent Flashpoint study.

What does a ransomware honcho do for those rubles? Basically, the job calls for supporting and maintaining the malware.

"The software has to be constantly updated so that antivirus systems won’t recognize it as malware," explained Vitali Kremez, a cybercrime intelligence analyst with Flashpoint.

"It’s not a situation where you provide the malware and sit back on a couch waiting for your payments. You have to work on it on a daily basis," he told TechNewsWorld. "The boss controls the source code for the malware."

Australia tests mail delivery drones

If you needed any further proof that drones can be mail couriers, you just got it. Australia Post has successfully field-tested a drone system that would deliver small packages, particularly time-sensitive goods like medication. It was only a closed test this time around, but the move clears a path for trial deliveries to real customers later in the year — this isn’t just a preview of long-term plans, like you’ve seen with other services.

Woman slashes husband’s fingers

According to the police, when Chandra Prakash returned home from office around 11 p.m. on May 4, Sunitha was reportedly busy on her phone. When Chandra Prakash enquired about dinner plans, she asked him to order food from a restaurant, which enraged him, the police said.

An argument ensued and it became intense when Chandra Prakash checked Sunitha’s phone and allegedly found obscene messages being exchanged with her friends. While Sunitha went to the kitchen to avoid an argument, Chandra Prakash followed her and allegedly slapped her. Sunitha then took a kitchen knife and allegedly slashed three fingers of his right hand, the police said.

Australia tests mail delivery drones

If you needed any further proof that drones can be mail couriers, you just got it. Australia Post has successfully field-tested a drone system that would deliver small packages, particularly time-sensitive goods like medication. It was only a closed test this time around, but the move clears a path for trial deliveries to real customers later in the year — this isn’t just a preview of long-term plans, like you’ve seen with other services.

"At Overstock.com, we strive to provide our customers with quality products at the best prices possible. All the while, we make all efforts to give them a level of service that they will never forget, making them want to come back for more."

Overstock initially sold surplus and returned merchandise on an online e-commerce marketplace, liquidating the inventories of at least 18 failed dot-com companies at below-wholesale prices. In recent years, it has expanded to sell new merchandise as well. —Wikipedia

Basically this site offers one item for sale every day for 24 hours only. They are usually deeply discounted but as always buyer beware. They make fun of their own site and other retail sites online. But some of the sales are excellent. — Ron (PS The following is from the MEH site.)

Two or three internets ago, a few of us opened a weird site selling one thing a day, a bit of a side project for our staid wholesale business. It grew and a community formed around it.

We’re the ones dumping this crap so don’t look at us. Maybe you feel like buying something, anything, will help your miserable existence. Who are we to judge?

We have plenty of ways to waste your time. There’s that story, our video, a poll, and a whole community spewing out all sorts of crap in our forum every day.

S7 vs 6S
Forbes says Samsung Galaxy S7 beats the iPhone 6S

Waterproof and much better photos are just two of the many comparisons.

Find Snail Malboxes
Find the closest mailbox to your location, by zip code or map when you need to drop off those one or two envelopes you still use.

Have a fantastic month and see you on July 18th!


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