Welcome to the next in the series…well, ok, one the many radio shows and podcasts we have done over the years.  Enjoy, laugh and maybe even learn.

Here are some of the things we talked about today.

Tech News

Windows 10 users back away from the Edge browser

Microsoft’s new Edge browser has been largely ignored by U.S. users of Windows 10, an online measurement company said Monday.

Instead, Google’s Chrome has shanghaied Windows 10’s top browser spot.

Although Edge—the default browser bundled with Windows 10—got a temporary boost when the operating system launched in late July, its share of all browsers on the OS quickly slipped from an early peak of about 16% to its current 12%.

According to San Francisco-based Quantcast, Chrome is the dominant browser on Windows 10 in the U.S., with a share slightly north of 70%.

Don’t make this mistake on LinkedIn

Last week, I received two very inappropriate LinkedIn requests. No, not inappropriate because I didn’t know them (a topic I have written about previously). But, in fact, because I knew them all too well. And what I remembered was not so good.

Let me explain. Until a few years ago I was an executive with a digital media company, with hiring and firing as a core part of my job. When the request from “Barbara” (not her real name) appeared in my inbox, I scratched my head for a moment trying to place her. Then, I did. The last time we had spoken was about five years ago when I had to tell her she was being let go for “performance reasons.” In other words, I fired her because she wasn’t good at her job. What chutzpah, I said to myself as I deleted the networking request from my inbox.


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Google Voice Info

This is an article from a couple of years ago by me and it is still good…with an exception or two.

Google Voice has now been combined with Google Hangouts. And now it has more to offer.

Check out what I had to say about this great "phone replacement."

See you next month!


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