Sorry No Column this Week due to Memorial Day
But there are plenty of others to look at and more to come next week! Thanks for stopping in. Ron
As you regular readers know, I like Google. Google is not perfect but they have many great apps. In the past I have been disappointed in their corporate decisions to do away with some of their more desirable apps. For instance iGoogle homepage, Calendar Sync and Google Reader to name a few. I learned something…
Warning: If you receive an email with the subject “Documents,” and it directs you to a webpage that looks like a Google Drive sign-in page, do not enter your information. It’s likely a new phishing scam, in which a thief creates a fake portal that asks for people’s private information and then steals it. (Netflix recently…
A few weeks ago I told you about a new cloud storage site. It is called my current favorite online file storage site (sign up at for an additional 5 GB of storage). Over a year ago I told you about which is another excellent cloud storage site. You may also…
I have mentioned OneNote by Microsoft several times in recent articles. I have had many emails asking me to do an introduction column regarding this application. So here it is. In my opinion OneNote is one of the most overlooked and enigmatic applications in the Microsoft stables today. MS has not mentioned it much until…
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