Welcome to today’s show with Jim Britt and I on WSVA.  Here are a couple of the items we mentioned so take a look and see what’s up today.  Also, you can check out the podcast at here and listen for all the other juicy tidbits.

Today we talked about the possible future of DVDs and Blu-Ray technology.  Also, what about making a “backup” copy of your Movie/TV show disks for your server?

Have fun!

Ron’s Android App Recommendation
(This app can be found on Google Play from your Android phone,
tablet or viewed on your PC from the link below.)
Super Free Ebooks ReaderI like to read books, when I get the chance. However, I don’t like to pay the same price for an ebook as I do a hardback book. So here is “Super Free Ebooks Reader” and FREE is the operative word here.Usually within a few weeks of a new book’s release the book will be here. You can ask for a book if it is not present. I have tried once 2-3 weeks ago but at this time have heard nothing back.

It is add supported but they are not intrusive. When you open the app there is an ad at the bottom of the page which covers several lines of text at the bottom of the page. Click the ad it opens a window, close the window and go back to reading your book in the clear.

See you next time and don’t forget to check out all the articles from the past while you are here!


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