Here we are again, over half way through 2013 and I don’t  know about you, but I have not had a vacation yet.  Although, I am considering one.  If you have not gone on one for the summer yet either, kick back, relax and read this or listen to the podcast.

Have fun!

Tech News

One Month With Google Glass: To Return or Not to Return? (check out the video too)
About 30 days ago I went to Google’s headquarters in Chelsea Market in New York City. For weeks I had been not-so-patiently waiting for this day. I was finally picking up my Google Glass.

My enthusiasm was no secret, especially since I decided to pull out my personal credit card and pay $1,500 for connected glasses. I didn’t care — I was finally getting a chance to see what life was like with a small screen in front of my eye.

Last week I went back to Chelsea Market with the very bag and box Google gave me when I picked up Glass. But this time that original excitement was gone – this time I was anxious over whether I should return the glasses and get my money back before the 30-day return window had closed.

Dell eyes wearable computing move as PC business keeps slumping
Computer maker says it is ‘exploring ideas’, as it admits corporate customers are slow to adopt Windows 8 tablets.

Struggling computer maker Dell is considering a move into the "wearable computing" space, as it grapples with the effects of a shrinking PC market.

The idea of computers that can be worn on the body has become one of the hottest spaces in the technology business. Google has thousands of people testing its head-mounted Glass system, while the Californian company Pebble has sold more than 85,000 of its Bluetooth-connected "smart watches".

Mad scientists turn roaches into cyborgs, control them with Kinect, laugh at nature
We’d love to tell you that the researchers at North Carolina State University aren’t monsters who implant circuits on living things so that those living things do their bidding, but we’d be lying. They totally do that, roaches are their primary victim, and now they’re using Microsoft’s Kinect to help them control the insects. Sure, why not!

As Dr. Alper Bozkurt of NCSU says in today’s new release, "Our goal is to be able to guide these roaches as efficiently as possible, and our work with Kinect is helping us do that." Apparently the researchers are employing Kinect for data collection as well, determining how effectively the cyborg survivors respond to electrical impulse-motivated control. They say the end goal is to use the partially mechanized arthropods to, "explore and map disaster sites."

SNL Weekend Update
Randall Meeks, SNL Tech Correspondant’s look at Google Glass
A hilarious Saturday Night Live skit about Google Glass.

Have a laugh and then check this more mundane look at them them for the first time by the actor, Fred Armisen.

Road Trippers
Roadtrippers is a simple and intuitive road trip planner that helps you discover, plan and book the best places and experiences along your way, curated by local experts and travel writers.

Eccentric roadside attractions, breathtaking natural wonders, or mouthwatering foodie feasts. Whatever your interests, you’ll discover your America on Roadtrippers.

At this time it is only available online and with iOS devices, Android should be soon.

That is all I have for you this time, other than I hope you have a better tomorrow than what you did today…even if today was fantastic!


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