Here we are again as another month starts spinning to a close.  Even though Jim mentioned bacon during the first few minutes of the show, we never got back to that thought.  So here is the picture we were laughing about before the show.


Make sure that you have about 45 minutes to listen to the show if you did not get a chance to hear it live earlier today.

Tech News
Sales Taxes and the Internet– New York Times
Twenty-one Republicans voted with 46 Democrats (and 2 Independents) recently to pass the Marketplace Fairness Act, a long-overdue bill allowing states to require online retailers to collect sales taxes and remit them to the state where the customer lives. Will the House be so rational? It’s a long shot.

  • It does not impose new taxes; rather, it would undo an outdated Supreme Court ruling that lets online retailers avoid collecting taxes.
  • The bill would also apply only to retailers with more than $1 million in interstate sales, which means it would not unduly burden small business.

Desktop PCs Less Popular than Ever
SAN FRANCISCO — Some argue that the PC is deader than the phone booth.

Driven by mobile demand, the traditional PC and its makers are fighting for survival. The latest threat comes from Google, which recently unveiled a sleek touch-screen laptop. Its futuristic Chromebook Pixel — with blazing fast 4G Internet and a massive 1 terabyte data storage locker in the cloud — simultaneously combines touch, mobile connectivity, remote data and free Microsoft Office-like services.

People want mobility, so Microsoft-powered PC products are competing against enormously popular smartphones and tablets for consumer dollars. Once leading the way, Dell, Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft now face a new world order led by Apple, Google, Samsung and even Amazon.

Ron’s Android App Recommendation
(This app can be found on Google Play from your Android phone,
tablet or viewed on your PC from the link below.)

Gas prices can vary by up to 20 cents per gallon or more. GasBuddy helps you find the cheapest gas prices with one tap.

GasBuddy uses gas price information provided by our users to bring drivers together to support the common goal of saving money on gas. Gas prices only for USA and Canada.

Ron’s Firefox Suggestions
(You can find this Firefox addon and all the others at
or by click the orange Firefox tab, then "add-ons"
or finally if you use the menu toolbar choose Tools/Add-ons.)

(Animation + Weather = AniWeather) AniWeather animates weather information for locations around the world. A great little plugin to keep current weather at your fingertips, ok, actually at your mouse pointer.

You spent the last four years being a college kid. And that’s wonderful. But a lot can happen in four years, and the internet never forgets. You partied. You befriended some questionable characters. Heck, you just lived your life and did your thing – and now, you’ve got the posts and pics to show it.

But do you have the time and energy and robotic perfection to hunt down all those little details? No! And even if you just said, "Yes!", you’re wrong. These things creep into the corners of the internet and lie in wait for the day you decide to BECOME A PROFESSIONAL.

That’s right, GROW UP. But avoid those growing pains and maintain a fresh face – easily – with SimpleWash™. Wash away all those dirty little jokes and beer talk, those late night snapshots, those forgotten "likes." Keep track of all the dirt and grime that attaches to your social self and make you STAY FRESH.

Gun Shooting Alarm Clock
Start the day with a BANG! Gun Shooting Alarm Clock is alarm clock and target range all in one. When the alarm goes off, the Gun Shooting Alarm Clock target pops up, and you have to grab the gun in time to shoot it to turn the clock off!

onE Puck onE Puck
Now, charge your phone with coffee and beer 

WASHINGTON: A new device that can charge your mobile phone with a hot cup of coffee or a cold beer mug has been developed by a US company.

The company claims that the two-sided Epiphany onE Puck converts the warmth of your hot cocoa or iced beverage into power for your phone. The lightweight device is portable enough to store in your purse or day bag for emergencies.

hapiforkEating too fast leads to poor digestion and poor weight control. The HAPIfork is an electronic fork that helps you monitor and track your eating habits. It also alerts you with the help of indicator lights when you are eating too fast.

Every time you bring food from your plate to your mouth with your fork, this action is called: a "fork serving". The HAPIfork also measures:


  • How long it took to eat your meal.
  • The amount of "fork servings" taken per minute.
  • Intervals between "fork servings".

This information is then uploaded via USB to your Online Dashboard to track your progress. The HAPIfork also comes with the HAPILABS app plus a coaching program to help improve your eating behavior.

That’s all for today and I hope you have an even better one now!

Thanks for visiting,


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