Welcome to this month’s show and sorry but it is also TAX DAY in the U.S.A.  So today more about that.  We had several callers and didn’t get to report on much new stuff around the net.

Read some info from sites mentioned and/or listen to the entire show’s podcast here.

Have a great day and see you next month.

Tech News
57 Year Anniversary of Commercial Videotape Recording
You could be forgiven for not having the 57th anniversary of commercial videotape recording marked in your diary, but YouTube is here with a reminder. Certain videos on the site now give you the option to watch them in "tape mode," bringing all the fun of static and fuzz to your modern viewing experience. It’s all in memory of the Ampex VRX-1000, which is commonly considered the world’s first practical videotape recorder and blew competitors away when it was shown off on April 14th, 1956 at the National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters Convention. If you’d like to know more about the device’s place in history, LabGuy’s World has a transcript of lead engineer Charles P. Ginsburg’s presentation on its development.

Tax Time
Yes, that time of year again and I hope you are done with your 2012 taxes, but if not or you have questions about scams and on-and-on.  Check it out here.

Free TV shows for a price?
Access your local over-the-air channels – all the major broadcast networks and over 20 other channels – in HD quality.

Would you give it a try?

The Galaxy Mega and 6 Other Massive Phones
"…you can’t help but wonder what (if anything) would make someone consider holding a phone larger than a paperback to their ear for any length of time."

Consumers, however, embraced the larger screen and a year later, Samsung went even bigger – upping the Galaxy Note from 5 to 5.3 inches with the Galaxy Note II. Although a few other hardware manufacturers have followed suit, the Koreans continue to lead the charge, with the 6.3-inch Galaxy Mega representing the latest iteration of the design trend.

See you later.

Ron Doyle

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