Here are the show notes from the last show.  Here is the podcast is you would like to listen along.  Have a great time catching up if you couldn’t tune in and also you may want to look around the rest of the site.

Thanks for stopping by.

Tech News
Google ships Nexus 7 tablet, retailers struggle to keep up
IDG News Service – Google has started shipping units of the highly anticipated Nexus 7 tablet, but multiple retailers said the tablet has sold out and that they are struggling to fill orders.

GameStop has pulled the Nexus 7 tablet order page from its website, while Adorama and Staples said the tablet had sold out and that they were waiting for additional inventory. Retailers were taking pre-orders on their websites for the tablet, which was announced in late June and has a 7-inch screen, a quad-core processor, and the Android 4.1 OS code-named Jellybean.

Report: Ballmer to unveil Office 2013 Monday
CareerJournal – Microsoft will introduce Office 2013, the likely official label for the next version of the company’s money-making suite, on Monday, according to a report from USA Today.

CEO Steve Ballmer will host a news conference July 16, said the newspaper, when he will unveil what Microsoft has codenamed "Office 15." Most analysts — and Microsoft itself, via a hint or two — expect the usual year designation in the nameplate.

USA Today cited anonymous sources familiar with Microsoft’s plans who said Office will be the focal point of the event.

Ron’s Android App Recommendation
(this app can be found on Google Play from your Android phone,
tablet or viewed on your PC from the link below.)
CamScanner – Phone PDF Creator
I scan magazine articles, newspaper items, anything not already digital that I want to read/use later. I have even used it to file legal documents that required signatures.

CamScanner turns your phone into a scanner and Fax. With CamScanner, you are able to digitize any paper documents by photo shooting. Simply take a picture of any paper documents such as receipts, whiteboards, notes, agreement and so forth, and CamScanner can auto-crop image, enhance image quality and create an industry standard PDF file. And the scanned documents can be shared via Email, faxed via Internet, uploaded to cloud like Dropbox, Google Doc,, and managed by tag, copy, move or search.

The Eye-Fi card is the 1st wireless memory card. It looks, stores media, and fits into cameras just like a regular SDHC card. On top of that, the Eye-Fi card has built-in Wi-Fi that effortlessly transfers photos and videos to your iPhone, iPad, Android device or computer.

Upon setup, specify which networks the Eye-Fi card uses to transfer your media. Add up to 32 networks for your card to use. The next time your camera is on within range of a specified network, your photos and videos will fly to your computer and to your favorite sharing site.

Akinator…the Genie
Akinator can read your mind and tell you what character you are thinking about, just by asking a few questions. Think of a real or fictional character and Akinator will try to guess who it is. Will you dare challenge the Genie?

That’s all folks…see you in August at WSVA.

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