Here is the complete podcast for you in case you missed the show today on WSVA. And make sure you check out the columns while you are here.

Now some of what we talked about today.

Tech News
Internet usage patterns may signal depression, study finds

The amount and type of online activity Internet users exhibit may be indicators of depression, findings a group of researchers hopes will lead to software tools to help identify depressive behavior.

People who showed symptoms of depression tended to use the Internet differently than those who didn’t show signs of depression, researchers said in a New York Times opinion piece today. Some of that behavior included obsessively checking e-mail, watching lots of videos, and switching frequently among multiple apps, according to a new study by researchers from the Missouri University of Science and Technology.

Microsoft to unveil tablet with Barnes & Noble?

Microsoft’s mysterious media event scheduled for today (2012/06/18) has generated a lot of speculation about what the software giant has up its sleeve, with many bets being placed on a new tablet to challenge Apple’s iPad.

Now we are hearing that while the tech titan is indeed expected to unveil a tablet, the new product is being developed in conjunction with Barnes & Noble and will focus on entertainment, according to a TechCrunch report. Another source says Xbox streaming is also on tap for the tablet.

Ron’s Android App Recommendation
(this app can be found on Google Play from your Android phone,
tablet or viewed on your PC from the link below.)
TouchRetouch Free

Remove unwanted content from your photos easily!

TouchRetouch Free is an award-winning photo editor that allows you to remove unwanted content or objects from any photo, using just your finger and your phone. Mark the items you want taken out of the snapshot and hit ‘Go’. That’s all there is to it. Photo editing has never been so quick, easy and convenient.

One of Google’s greatest free apps, IMHO.

That is all for now but I hope to see you online in the near future!


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