Hey there, I hope you got a chance to hear us on the show this morning.  But I’m looking out for you.  If you missed it here are the sites, news, etc. we talked about so you can take a look.  Also, below is a link to the podcast if you would like to listen in.

Check out WSVA Online too for even more into and here is today’s podcast.

Have a great month and I hope you will be listening and calling next month, Monday, January 23rd!


Tech News
U.S. agency admits massive data breach with SSNs
The U.S. government failed to tell nearly 32,000 people their Social Security numbers were inadvertently published in an electronic database, documents show.Scripps Howard News Service said it found 31,931 living Americans in a review of three copies of the Social Security Administration’s Death Master File, available for purchase on the Internet. The database contains names, Social Security numbers and birth dates.If the Social Security Administration’s estimate is accurate, the Social Security numbers of more than 400,000 living Americans have been released since 1980.

President Obama signed the CALM Act on December 15, 2010.
Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation (CALM) Act requiring TV broadcasters to ensure that commercials air at a volume no louder than the programs in which they appear. Here are some facts you need to know regarding the CALM Act.

Ninite http://ninite.com/
You bought that new computer and now you want to install all the standard applications you had on your old one.

Do you do to each site and download the apps individually or just one run application? Just run Ninite.

You choose from their large list of popular apps. Firefox, Chrome, Skype, Thunderbird, Google Talk, iTunes, VLC, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Dropbox, etc. It creates an executable file for you. You need those apps on a computer and just double click that file to install the ones you chose. Very quick and very smart.

The PC Decrapifier

Is your PC running slow? Even brand new PCs often come with LOTS of pre-installed software that can cause that new machine to come to a crawl. Not to mention all of the annoying pop-ups! Others may have a PC that’s a couple years old and we’re the ones that installed a bunch of junk! It happens to the best of us. We try a bunch of programs over time and forget to remove them.

The PC Decrapifier is here to help! It’s a free tool for you to use that helps remove programs, unnecessary startup items and icons that can slow down your PC. It takes you step by step, giving you recommendations on what to remove, many of which can be removed unattended.

Naughty Codes (from Kathy, Harrisonburg) http://naughtycodes.com/
It’s fun to be naughty?!

Online stores send out discount codes to SELECT groups of customers, leaving the rest of us to pay full price! To that we say, NO! We find and list ALL of the coupon codes and promotional codes that can be found. If it’s out there, we have it! Be naughty with us by using these codes for added discounts when shopping online.

Internet Phishing Quiz http://www.opendns.com/phishing-quiz/
Think you can outsmart Internet scammers?

Ever wonder how good you are at telling the difference between a legitimate website and one that’s a phishing attempt? Take this quiz to find out.

Touchpad Blocker http://touchpad-blocker.com/
Why doesn’t someone invent an application that will prevent your notebook cursor from jumping around the screen when you are typing and your thumb accidentally drags across the touchpad?

They have and it is called Touchpad Blocker.

Touchpad Blocker is a must have software for notebook owners who prefer to use touchpad instead of mouse or other pointing devices. Software helps the user to type text as fast as possible by locking mouse events during a small period after any key were pressed. The touchpad remains enabled all the time!

Flyboard http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-57341005-1/flyboard-makes-you-a-jet-powered-aquaman/
Waterpowered jetpack turns you into aquatic Aquaman or Flipper.

French water sports champion Franky Zapata’s Flyboard is basically a rotatable platform attached to a long hose and a hydrojet. It can lift the rider 30 feet out of the water while he or she pilots it with secondary, handheld jets.

The Flyboard’s thrust comes out below the user’s feet instead of a jet pack, so it’s more like riding a skateboard. It connects to any personal watercraft (PWC; aka Jet Ski, a brand) with an engine of 100 hp or greater.

For only about $6,500 + you need a Jetski.

VIPER SmartStart http://www.viper.com/SmartStart/
Start your car or truck from most anywhere with your Smartphone. You can get these from somewhere around $200-$400.

I hope you are able to listen and call in next month year
on Monday, the 23rd of January, 2012.

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