Here you go another exciting (well OK hopefully interesting) thing Jim and I looked at this month on the show. 

Below are all of the applications, sites, etc. we talked about plus here is the podcast for your listening pleasure back at WSVA Online.

Have a great month and I  hope you will be listening and calling next month, Monday, December 19th!


Tech News
It’s Okay to Unfriend on Facebook, Emily Post Says
The 18th edition of "Emily Post’s Etiquette"; the quintessential guide to modern manners, has been revised to include seven chapters that cover manners in social media and technology.

Can’t remember if the fork goes on the left and the spoon goes on the right? For perfect P’s and Q’s, you know exactly whom to ask: Emily Post.

But what are the rules when you’re talking with a friend and she whips out her cellphone to check her email, or when someone you never liked in high school suddenly wants to be friends on Facebook? Who’s there to tell you the right thing to do?

    Here are a few of Emily’s suggestions:

  • Never interrupt a conversation to answer a call, email or text.
  • the book says you should always respond within a day or two to personal messages, and within 24 hours for business mails.
  • When in a suitable place to use a cellphone, watch your volume, tone and language.
  • The book frowns upon cellphone use in a place of worship, theater, or restaurant, or during a meeting or presentation.
  • If you’re expecting an urgent call, you should set your device to vibrate and check it later, or move to a private space and speak as quietly as possible.
  • You also don’t have to continue contact with a Facebook “friend” after the initial reconnection conversation, and it’s perfectly acceptable to actively unfriend someone, untag yourself from photos, or delete a friend’s comment from your page.

Physicians using tablets to treat patients
Within the next year, almost half of all doctors will be using tablets and other mobile devices to perform everyday tasks, such as accessing patient information in electronic medical records (EMRs), according to the survey by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA), a nonprofit group.

Today, a quarter of healthcare providers surveyed say they’re using tablets in their practice. Another 21% indicated they expect to do so within a year.

The study shows that more than half of healthcare professionals currently use a smartphone for work, and about a third use their smartphones or tablets to access EMR systems. Another 20% expect to start mobile usage with Emergency Medical Records within the next year.

Any doctors in our area have any thoughts?

Retail Me Not
Coupon codes, printable coupons, grocery coupons for Christmas-or any other time!

Advice from the pros: For extra secret sales and discounts, get the company’s store credit card as many promotions are for card holders, only. HOWEVER–don’t be tempted to run up that charge card! Any savings you initially make will be lost if you are paying off a high interest rate.

1 Sale a Day
Every 23 hours they run another sale of four or more items. They are categorized as Electronics, Watches, Family and Jewelry.

Be cautious as sometimes they have good deals and other times just so-so deals.

Google Music
Do you have an iPod, iPad, Tablet PC, SmartPhone and on-and-on that you have music on? If so you have to try Google Music.

I have been using Google Music, during the Beta trail, for the past month or two and it is slick.

I have uploaded all of my music to the site (about 2,500 songs and books) and can play it from most anywhere I can get online. Whether phone, tablet any computer, etc. They have a limit of up to 20,000 songs to be uploaded, stored and streamed (played online) for free.

They also have a store to buy more music at some very good prices. I think Google may have bet the competitors with this one.

See you next month and don’t forget to follow Double Clicks on Twitter and Facebook!

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