Here are the sites/news mentioned this morning on the show.  As always your comments are appreciated.  See you next month on Monday, October 17!

If you missed the show please check out the podcast (this could take a while to download depending on your internet connection).


Tech News
Last minute update, who are the three most dangerous people on the internet?
Heidi Klum. Cameron Diaz and Piers Morgan (what?)

They are currently the most "search for" celebs on the net. Hackers use some graphics, apps, etc. to load malicious payloads on your computer if you look them up and click those items. Only in certain places not everywhere on the net.

Terrafugia Flying Car Cleared for Landing in US

As many as 100 people have put down a $10,000 deposit for their Terrafugia Transition.

A flying car retailing for $227,000 could be on roads in a matter of months — and customers are already lining up to be the first to get their hands on one, its maker claims.

Recently, the Terrafugia Transition passed a significant milestone when it was cleared for takeoff by the U.S. National Highway Safety Administration. It’s taken Terrafugia founder Carl Dietrich just five years to realize his dream, with some media outlets reporting that the Transition could now be on U.S. roads by the end of next year.

First there was Planking – then Owling now…

While the planking trend involved taking your picture in various places lying flat, “batmanning” is much more difficult–and possibly more dangerous. It involves hanging upside down, only by your feet.

A group of Purdue University freshmen claim to have started the trend late last month. They made a video that shows them hanging from various locations on campus–from parking garages, stadium gates and statues.

Search for ‘Batmanning‘ and you can see a few successful ones, but mostly crashes with lots of limping.

Fading BarCodes?
It’s happened to most of us (some more often than others): You bite into an apple/pear/cucumber only to find that the perfectly ripe fruit or vegetable you picked up at the store two days ago is not exactly ripe but is rather disgusting.

Designers at Yanko Designs are developing a new barcode that will make that unpleasant experience a thing of the past by fading the barcode "ink" with the freshness of the fruit/vegetable.

VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing aircraft)

I don’t know how we got here but anyway we were, so take a look at some of them.

Find out about web/email/etc. scams on the web and all around the world at the government’s FBI site.

The only software talked about today, and very lightly at that, was XBMC (Xbox Media Center).  If you want to know more about XBMC start here.

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